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2024-2025 堅振班招生 / Confirmation Class Registration

Publié : Jun-21-2024

凡升讀七或八年級並準備領受堅振聖事的學生,請於 10 月 1 日 (星期二) 晚上 8 時參與課程簡介會。在填寫報名表格前,請先下載並閱覧簡介、課程及規則。如有疑問、可電郵 Katie Zou ( ) 查詢。報名截止日期為 10 月 1 日


Confirmation Classes 2024-2025

Grade 7 & 8 students who wish to attend the Confirmation Class are requested to download registration forms and the class syllabus from the Parish website. Deadline for registration is due at the first evening session on Tuesday, October 1 at 8:00pm. Please read the Introduction, Syllabus and Instructions before filling out the registration form. For enquiries, please contact Katie Zou at: