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  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 - 花地瑪聖母的信息 (一 )
    Saturday, November 05, 2022
    「花地瑪的信息。要求的是祈禱、補償、悔改、犧牲、放棄罪惡。在聖母向三位牧童,Lucy、Francisco 和 Jacinta出現之前,“和平天使”(Angel of Peace)拜訪了他們。天使準備孩子們接受榮福童貞聖母瑪利亞,他的指示是這信息的一個重要方向,卻經常被人忽略了。 天使向孩子們展示了我們祈禱時應有的熱切、細心和沈著的態度,以及在祈禱中應向天主顯出的敬畏之心。他還向他們解釋,為了補償反叛天主的罪行,祈禱和作出犧牲的重要性。他告訴他們:『把凡事都作為犧牲,把它奉獻給天主,作為補贖那些違背天主的罪,又為罪人歸正而懇求。天使第三次也是最後一次顯靈時,給他們聖體,並展示了正確領聖體的方法,如何在聖體聖事中接受我們的主:三個孩子都跪下來接受聖體;天使在 Lucy 的舌頭上給她聖體...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - The Message of Lady Fatima in General (I)
    Saturday, November 05, 2022
    "The general Message of Fatima is not complicated. Its requests are for prayer, reparation, repentance, and sacrifice, and the abandonment of sin. Before Our Lady appeared to the three shepherd children, Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta, the Angel of Peace visited...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語- 我信聖而公教會 - 路加福音 5 : 1-11 反省
    Thursday, October 27, 2022
    我信聖而公教會。修道之前,很長的一段時間裡面,我很糾結於這句話。一個這麼不完美的教會怎麼成了一個聖的教會呢?直到我明白了,教會的根基在於耶穌基督。路加福音 5 章 3 節講耶穌上了西滿伯多祿的船來教訓眾人。聖奧斯定解釋說:「這隻船就是代表著教會。」在船上教訓眾人,意思就是耶穌願意通過教會來教訓眾人。「當耶穌上船之後,讓伯多祿把船划離陸地稍遠一些」,意思就是教會對眾人的教導是遠離世俗的,而世俗也不可以進入和玷污信仰。我們看到,伯多祿說:「主,請你離開我,因為我是個罪人」。 這句話讓我想起最近教宗方濟各來到加拿大的懺悔之旅,在某種程度上,又好像是重複了伯多祿的這句話,「主,我是個罪人。」確實,教會是聖的教會,但是教會也是由罪人組成的教會。在教會中,誰不是罪人呢?我們每個人都是罪人。「如果我們說我們沒有罪過,就是欺騙自己,真理也不在我們內」(若一...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church - Reflections on Luke 5:1-11
    Thursday, October 27, 2022
    The phrase "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church" had entangled me for quite a while before I joined the seminary until I came to understand that the foundation of the Church is Jesus Christ. How could such an imperfect...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 - 善工本著愛德情懷去做才有價值
    Thursday, October 20, 2022
    天主向加大利納說:“我的女兒 ! 難道妳不知道嗎?一個人在今生所能忍受的一切痛苦,都不足以賠補一個最小的罪 ; 因為他所得罪的是我——無限的美善,為此,需要一個無限的賠償。所以,我要妳知道:所有此生遭遇到的一切患難痛苦,並非為了懲罰,而是為了警告犯罪的子女們,使他們認錯悔改。的確,藉著靈魂的渴望:即誠心的痛悔與憎恨罪惡,可以賠補罪過。誠心誠意的痛悔可以補償罪過和罪罰,並非因為他受了有限的痛苦,而是因為他無限的渴望;天主既是無限的,要求的愛與痛悔也是無限的。 天主要求無限的痛悔有兩個原因:其一,是因人本身犯罪,得罪了他的造物主;其次,是因為得罪了近人。那些具有無限渴望的人,也就是藉著愛情與我結合的人,當他們犯罪或看見別人犯罪時,會痛心難過。他們所受的精神或肉體的痛苦,不管是來自何處,都有無限的功勞...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - Only Good Deeds Motivated by Love Are of Value
    Thursday, October 20, 2022
    Do you not know, my daughter, that all the sufferings the soul bears or can bear in this life are not enough to punish one smallest sin? For an offense against me, infinite Good, demands infinite satisfaction. So I want...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 - 堅持地祈禱
    Friday, October 14, 2022
    聖若望達瑪森界定祈禱為「提升心靈向天主或向天主祈求好的事物。」 耶穌在今天的福音告訴我們要不倦地時常祈禱,不要灰心。耶穌以不義判官和寡婦的比喻,令我們對天主無盡的愛及照顧,充滿希望和信心。 寡婦單靠不斷堅持,令不義判官不勝其煩而為她伸冤。判官有兩個原因達致給她申冤的決定,其一,寡婦不斷煩擾他;其二,免得她不斷來糾纏令他筋疲力竭 。 堅持可達致成功,特別是對信賴天主的人而言。當我們祈禱時,禱文必須指明我們內心的意向與感受,必須是自發的,個人的,它會引領我們與天主建立起父子之親密關係。 堅持地祈禱不應理解為嘗試改變天主的意向,覺得好像天主從一開始便不願意幫助我們。其實要改變的就是我們自己。 今天,我們學到要像寡婦般堅持、誠懇、不灰心地祈禱。我們可以確信天主必會回應那些日夜不斷祈禱、活出信德及依賴天主的人。 一如聖詠所言:「我的救助來自上主,他創造了天地。」 你們的龔焞執事
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - Persistence in Prayer
    Friday, October 14, 2022
    St John Damascene defined prayer as “the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.” In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us to pray always without becoming...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 - 玫瑰聖母月
    Thursday, October 06, 2022
    “我的母皇,我的母親,我全是妳的,我所有的一切,我所有的一切,一切都屬於妳。” 以上這首聖歌是我在大修院時學的。同時在每年的聖母軍檢閱典禮中,也以這段話來宣誓。它道出了我們對聖母的敬愛及把我們自己奉獻給聖母,並求聖母指引我們走向天主。 十月是玫瑰聖母月,是我們以誦念玫瑰經來敬禮聖母的一個月。今年十月七日玫瑰聖母紀念日當天,我們的堂區特別舉行了聖母遊行並誦念玫瑰經的活動,藉著對聖母的敬禮,讓我們祈求聖母為我們個人、為我們的家庭成員熱心侍主、為聖召、為教宗、為我們的堂區教友、為罪人悔改、為煉獄靈魂、為病人,為我們的國家及為世界和平等等意向祈禱。 玫瑰經是我們教友有力及有效的精神武器,它能擊退魔鬼及誘惑。作為教友的我們若不會使用這一屬神的武器,真的太可惜了。誦念玫瑰經在我們的教會裡已有約一千年的歷史。教會的許多聖人聖女們都有誦念玫瑰經的習慣,而且也得到聖母的幫助,在成聖的道路上去除不少的障礙。 各位主內的兄弟姐妹,讓我們每天能在的生活中多花一些時間來祈禱,來誦念玫瑰經。 玫瑰聖母,為我等祈...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - Our Lady of the Rosary Month
    Thursday, October 06, 2022
    “My Queen, my Mother, I am totally yours and all that I have is yours.” I learned the above hymn in the major seminary. At the same time, it is also the oath taken at the annual parade...
  • Peace be with you
    Spiritual Corner - Be Not Afraid
    Friday, September 30, 2022
    We thank God for letting us return to church and attend mass again in person. In the past two years or more, we have been living in distress caused by the pandemic, and our hearts were burdened with lots of...
  • Peace be with you
    靈修片語 - 不要害怕
    Friday, September 30, 2022
    我們感謝天主讓我們能夠再次的回到教堂參與彌撒。過去兩年多的時間我們生活在疫情的困擾下,心中難免有許多的擔憂與害怕。最近我看到有一段話,我想能夠在焦慮無助時給我們一些勉勵。 在聖經中經常出現「不要害怕」這四個字。也許,天主知道生活並不容易。現代人活在高壓的環境中,面對氣候變化帶來的災難、疫情爆炸、國際政治關係緊張、經濟不景氣、犯罪率上升及社會競爭力越來越激烈,心中難免感到焦慮。我們想讓自己及所愛的人過幸福且有意義的生活,但我們有時候也懷疑自己是否能夠達到夢想。面對我們心中的不安,耶穌說:你們小小的羊群,不要害怕!因為你們的父喜歡把天國賜給你們。 當我們把生活的重擔扛在自己的肩上時,耶穌卻要提醒我們---其實,我們有一個阿爸父,正在心疼我們。在祂心中,我們無論長得多大、擔任什麼職位、身負什麽重任,我們仍是祂的小孩,如祂細心呵護的羊兒。試著默想自己帶著疲憊的身軀和心靈來到天父面前。在那裏,天父完全接納我們,我們不因自己的限制感到羞恥。在那裏...
  • Shaking hands photo
    Truth and Reconciliation 2024: After the Silence - A Reflection for Catholics
    Wednesday, September 25, 2024
    Julia and Adam Kozak, a married couple actively involved in bridge-building and peacemaking with Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, reflect on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Adam, a Lay Pastoral Associate and musician, was the National Project...
  • Adoration at Renew 2023
    Everything You Need to Know About RENEW Toronto 2024
    Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    “Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary” Isaiah 40:31 What is RENEW Toronto? RENEW Toronto is OCY’s largest annual gathering of young adults from the Archdiocese of Toronto and beyond...
  • 01-elevate-training-day
    All about ELEVATE Training Weekend
    Monday, September 16, 2024
    The Sept. 21st and 22nd weekend of 2024 will be a busy one for the Office of Catholic Youth (OCY). For 10 years now, the OCY has rolled out two days of training to help adults (on Saturday) and teens...
  • Books with an apple
    5 Tips in Riding the Back to School Momentum
    Friday, August 23, 2024
    The beginning of autumn evokes feelings of excitement, anticipation and new beginnings! There is a shift in the air. Can you feel it? A crispness in the air suggests the end of summer is just around the corner. It is...
  • Busy Urban Intersection
    Linda’s Legacy
    Monday, August 05, 2024
    Countless cars cross the intersection of Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue in Toronto’s North York every day. The intersection is like thousands of other intersections in Canada’s largest city. In one corner a gas station, in...
  • Sr Natalie Doummar
    Local Salesian Sister to Profess First Vows this Summer
    Wednesday, July 24, 2024
    Situated about 20-miles Southeast of the Delaware Water Gap, the popular American national recreation area on the Delaware River near the border of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, a Catholic summer camp called Camp Auxilium welcomes children as they arrive...
  • Radiating Christ to the World
    Radiating Christ to the World: Community of the sons and daughters of God
    Tuesday, July 02, 2024
    Diego Maratta is a retired permanent deacon of Toronto from St. Benedict Parish in Etobicoke. He is also a consecrated member of a lay monastic community, the “Community of the sons and daughters of God”.  The community...
  • Totus Tuus Missionaries at Martyrs' Shrine
    Totus Tuus Missionary Formation: In the Footsteps of the Canadian Martyrs
    Wednesday, June 26, 2024
    The following was written by James Cyfko, a seminarian at St. Augustine's Seminary in Toronto currently working as a summer student at the Office of Catholic Youth. Totus Tuus, which translates as “Totally Yours” in English, was...