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文件下載 Forms & Document Download

如果您從本堂區網站內其他頁面上的連結來到此 文件下載 專頁,但找不到所需的表格,請致電堂區辦事處 (905-887-7922) 查詢 或 電郵 至 。

If you are redirected to this page from given links on other pages within the Parish website but you cannot find the desired form here, please contact Parish Office (905-887-7922) or email us at .

成人國、粵語及 兒童 / 青少年 英語慕道班報名 (2024 至 2026 年度)
慕道班將於 9月勞工節過後開班,報名及查詢請與堂區辦事處聯絡。

RCIA & RCIC/RCIY Classes Enrollment (2024/2026)
Classes will begin in September. Please contact the Parish Office for information and registration.


主日學報名 (2024 至 2025 年度)

  • 5月26日 及 6月2日 (主日) 接受報名
  • 9月7日 (星期六) 及9月8日 (主日) 開課

Sunday School Registration (2024/2025)

  • Accepting enrollment on Sunday, May 26 & June 2.
  • Classes will begin on September 7 & 8.


初領聖體、告解班 (2024/2025)

  • 請於10 月 2 日 (星期三) 晚上 7 時 30 分出席課程簡介會。報名截止日期為 10 月 2 日。
  • 電郵查詢 : Cecilia Pang ( )

First Reconciliation and First Communion Class (2024/2025)

  • Deadline for registration is due at the first evening session on Wednesday, October 2 at 7:30pm.
  • For enquiries: Cecilia Pang ( )


堅振聖事預備課程 (2024/2025)

  • 請於 10 月 1 日 (星期二) 晚上 8 時參與課程簡介會。報名截止日期為 10 月 1 日。
  • 電郵查詢 : Katie Zou ( )

Confirmation Class (2024/-2025)

  • Deadline for registration is due at the first evening session on Tuesday, October 1 at 8:00pm.
  • For enquiries: Katie Zou ( )



Parishioner Registration Form  
icon - download
(Fillable PDF - 2024-04-27)

自動轉帳捐款計劃 申請表格
Pre-Authorized Giving Plan - Enrollment Form   
 icon - download- PDF version

icon - download - Word Document version

(Form updated on November 2021)

Building Fund (Gold Leaf) Donation Form

icon - download - PDF version

icon - download - Word Document version
(version: April 2022)

Application Form For Baptism for Children
icon - download

Marriage Application Form
icon - download

申請表格 (只供善會下載使用)
** 聖堂內課室及設備只供各善會申請使用。不會向社區大眾開放。

【Booking For Parish Hall / Room or Other Equipment】
Application Form (for Parish Groups Use only) 
** Facilities are provided for Parish Groups' booking only. NOT for the public. 
icon - download
(version updated: July 28, 2023)

報賬單 (只供善會下載使用)
Reimbursement Form For Ministry / Group 
icon - download
(Form updated on Nov. 2021)

申請加入善會/服務表格 (只供善會下載使用)
** 申請人請跟隨多倫多教區之義工篩選計劃指引及政策選用合適之申請表格,以配合不同類別需要。有關指引及表格之下載,可參閱  如何申請加入善會/義工服務  網頁詳細資料。

​Volunteer for Parish Groups Application
** Please applicants follow Guidelines & Policy Info of Volunteer Screening Program delivered by Archdiocese of Toronto; and use the appropriate Volunteer Application Form in the right catalogue. Relevant Guidelines and Application Forms are available for download on How to Apply - ​Volunteer for Parish Groups page.

​網頁更新 / Page update: 2024-05-07