邀請教友於 3 月 20 日 (星期四) 晚上 8 時,參與一小時明供聖體形式的朝拜。透過聖詠、短禱、靜默,引領我們默觀基督聖容,體驗衪的聖愛, 同沐主恩。
Eucharistic Adoration - March 20, 2025Please come to honour the Eucharistic Presence of Christ, in a deeper sense, “the contemplation of the Mystery...
本堂清明節追思彌撒將於 4 月 3 日 (星期四) 晚上 7 時正以國、粵語舉行,當晚彌撒意向特別為本堂教友之已亡親友祈禱。教友若想奉獻彌撒,請先填妥親友名字於祈禱冊上並填妥特別奉獻信封後,連同獻儀一起投入特設之奉獻箱內。
Ching Ming Memorial MassA memorial mass (Cantonese / Mandarin) will be celebrated at 7:00pm on Thursday, April 3. The mass is intended for deceased family members...
成人補領堅振班成人補領堅振班將於 5 月 7 日及 5 月 28 日晚上 8 時至 9 時 30 分上課。尚未領堅振的成年教友,請到堂區辦事處報名。
Adult Confirmation ClassThe Adult Confirmation Class will be held on May 7 & 28, 2025. Please obtain an application form from the Parish...
This event will take place on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 8:00 p.m.
泰澤祈禱將於 3月22日(星期六)晩上8時正在聖堂舉行。
Taize Prayer
Let us come together before the holy altar of the Lord for an evening of...
Are you interested in learning more about our Catholic faith? Do you have questions or want to grow in your understanding of God, the history of the Church, prayer or social justice? Please consider joining us as we address these...
The Mustard Seed Ministry, the Parish Adult Faith Formation Program of St. Francis Xavier Church Mississauga, invites you to this great Bible Study on the Book of Prophet Jeremiah. 30 sessions & will be recorded.
The teaching will be led...
Do you seek to deepen your faith and explore the teachings of the Bible in a safe, relaxing and comfortable space? Then join us every Monday night at 7 p.m. to share insight and discuss the Bible with other...
God loves you and calls you by name... Today! Jesus promises the Holy Spirit: “… I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.” (John 14:16...
Are you interested in learning more about different styles of prayer in the Catholic tradition? Perhaps you are looking to grow deeper in prayer during the season of Lent? Join us for a six-part series starting the week before...
This course, held annually in Rome at the Centro Pro Unione, initiates participants into the Catholic Church’s teaching on ecumenism and interreligious dialogue...