疫情後,事隔 4 年,堂區再度籌辦聖誕福傳音樂晚會,並將於 12 月 13 日星期五晚上 7 時 30 分舉行。今年的主題是「全心讚頌」。門券每位 $2,將於本主日起於每臺彌撒後在大堂發售。當晚節目包括聖詠欣賞、話劇默想和信仰分享。隨後,備有抽獎及茶點招待。誠邀大家推介和陪同未認識信仰的朋友一起參與,喜迎聖誕。當晚 6 時 30 分至 10 時 30 分將有來往聖堂與 St. Augustine Catholic High School 之穿梭巴士服務。詳情請參閱大堂海報。
Christmas Evangelization Night
After the pandemic, the parish has once again organized a Christmas Evangelization Night, which will be held on Friday, December 13 at 7:30 pm. The theme is “Magnificat”. Tickets
are $2 per person and will be sold in the lobby after each Sunday mass starting from November 23. The evening program will include Christmas songs sung by our choirs, meditation in acting and faith sharing by witnesses followed by lucky draw and refreshments. We sincerely invite everyone to accompany friends who are new to the faith to join and get ready to receive the joy of Christmas together. There will be shuttle bus service between 6:30pm and 10:30pm on that night. Please check the poster for details at lobby.