省府推行之「居家令」 / Provincial "Stay-At-Home-Order" News Update
4 月 7 日省府推行之「居家令」對聖堂服務沒有影響。堂區舉行彌撒仍獲得允許,但出席人數限制則減少至15%。
如需堂區辦事處服務,敬請致電 905-887-7922 或電郵到 admin@saintagnestsao.org 預約。謝謝!
Attention Please!
The “Stay-At-Home-Order” announced by the Provincial Government on April 7 does not change the current restrictions for places of worships. Masses in the parish are still allowed, but the attendance limit is reduced to 15%.
In order to protect the health & safety of parishioners and prevent the spread of Covid-19 during the pandemic, we have revised the church opening hours as follows:
Sunday, Saturday Vigil Masses and Weekday Masses as usual.
Before entering the church for private prayer, parishioners are requested to ring the door bell, record name, phone number and to measure body temperature at the entrance.
If you wish to visit the Parish Office, kindly call 905-887-7922 or email admin@saintagnestsao.org to book an appointment. Thank you!
Parishioners who have been infected with Covid-19 should stay home. Should you get infected after visiting the church, please notify the Parish Office immediately, so that we may inform the Archdiocese and take necessary measures as required.