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Spiritual Corner -- Living Lent Well

Posted : Mar-11-2025

[March 9, 2025] Every year at the beginning of Lent, we are reminded to live well for Lent, because this is a time full of grace. Jesus prayed and fasted for forty days to prepare for his mission of teaching. Deepening his relationship with his Heavenly Father enabled Jesus to face what was to come :—oppositions, slanders, betrayals, sufferings and death. During Lent we also have to reconcile with our Heavenly Father. Through repentance and experiencing God’s forgiveness of our trespasses, we will be motivated to forgive those who have trespassed against us. Through prayers, we will be drawn nearer to God and away from sins. Through sacrifice and atonement, we will be more able to resist the lures of desires and away from temptations.

So, during Lent it is necessary to engage in the spiritual activities of praying , fasting and performing acts of charity. Praying does not mean only saying our daily prayers but also spending time in reading the Bible and meditating on the Bible verses. The best way is to attend daily mass and receiving the Holy Words and Body of Christ. Fasting on each Friday should be observed for the healthy faithful between the age of 18 to 59. It is not only eating less but also to reflect on Jesus’ passion and make up one’s will not to hurt Jesus’ heart. The acts of charity are not only providing help to the needy but also bringing them the love of Jesus.

Besides the above acts, we should also make up our minds to overcome our weaknesses, like losing our temper, impatience, slandering, judging others, jealousy, indulging in pornography…etc. We should try our best to cut off all our bad habits. Believing in our determination and through the blessing of the sacrament of reconciliation, we can change over.

Fr. Matthew Wang