青年組藝術品拍賣籌款活動 為了更好活出2025 禧年「希望的朝聖者」, 本堂青年組將於3 月1 丶2 日及3 月8 丶9 日舉行藝術品拍賣。這個籌款活動是為了支持堂區首屆青年聯歡晚會, 一個有助於帶領青年對自己信仰的希望和信賴的氛圍作出肯定和深入的了解。 誠邀各位教友踴躍支持這項希望的工作。謝謝!
Fundraising Art Auction The 2025 Art Auction is to help fundraise for St. Agnes' Youth Ministry’s first Youth Gala. This event is a great opportunity to recognize the achievements of our youth while bringing everyone together to connect and have fun. More details coming soon.

大學生活座談會 本堂青年組將於 2 月 15 日 (星期六) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分,在地庫陸之樂堂主辦「Can “U n I” Handle It?」大學生活座談會。內容包括 : 年青人入大學會遇到的困難與挑戰,如何在學習和靈修上找到平衡...等等。誠意邀請準備入大學的青年及其家長參加。
Can UNI Handle It? Post-Secondary Info Night The Youth Ministry is hosting an annual Post-Secondary Info Night for students in Grade 11/12 and their parents on Saturday, February 15 from 7:30 pm-9:30 pm in Ruggiero Hall. There will be youth and parent speakers to talk about: how to build my Catholic faith in post-secondary, university/college student life; managing time with family, finances, etc, and opportunities to ask questions.
青年組手工藝品義賣 堂區青年組 (YOSAC) 將於 12 月 14 及 15 日在彌撒後舉行義賣籌款活動。售賣手工藝品包括精美蠟燭、針織十字架和刺繡等。全部物品由 YOSAC 青年義工親手製作,均可選購用作聖誕禮物或裝飾。所有籌得的款項將撥入明年 5 月青年避靜的經費。請教友鼎力支持。
YOSAC Fundraising YOSAC Arts and Crafts sale will take place on December 14 and 15 after all masses. This year, we will be selling items such as handmade candles, yarn cross keychains, and embroidery ornaments. Perfect timing for Christmas! Many of these items are handmade and decorated by our youth volunteers from YOSAC and are perfect decorations for home altars. All proceeds from this sale will go into our annual YOSAC Retreat that will be held in May. We hope to see everyone there!
YOSAC 遊戲之夜 YOSAC 將於 11 月 1 日下午 6 時至 10 時在聖堂地庫禮堂為青少年舉辦遊戲之夜。歡迎邀請你的朋友一起度過一個有趣的桌遊晚上,到時請攜帶 10 元以支付食物和飲料費用。同時,亦鼓勵你帶同自己 想要介紹給其他 YOSACers 的 board games!
YOSAC Game Night YOSAC will be holding a game night social for youth and young adults in the church basement on Friday, November 1 from 6pm to 10pm. Invite your friends for a night of fun board games. Please bring $10 for food and drinks. Feel free to bring your own board games you want to introduce to other YOSACers!

青年聖經研讀班—Kerygma 本堂青年聖經研讀班 Kerygma 將於 10 月 18 日恢復上課 !今年之主題為「Priesthood」,於每月第三個星期五晚上 8 時上課。報名截止日期為 10 月 4 日。
Kerygma ~ Young Adult Bible Study Program Our Young Adult Bible Study Program, Kerygma, is resuming in person on Oct 18. The theme this year is “Priesthood”. We meet every 3rd Friday of the month at 8pm. Deadline for registration is Friday, October 4.

YOSAC Friday 聚會 YOSAC Friday 將於 9 月 27 日 (星期五) 晚上 8 時開始恢復舉辦,並於每月之第二及第四個星期五聚會。該班是為已領堅振青少年特別設計,讓他們一起學習、祈禱,與耶穌及彼此間建立友誼,並明瞭天主為他們設定之人生計劃。報名及詳情請參閱大堂青年組壁報板。
YOSAC Friday Resumes Sept 27! YOSAC Friday will resume on Friday, September 27 and will be meeting regularly at 8pm every 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. Come bring your friends for fun, snacks, and a healthy dose of prayer, Adoration, and learning.
Age: any youth who has received Confirmation and older. For more information, please see the poster on the YOSAC notice board.