Pakistan Flooding

為巴基斯坦水災、山泥傾瀉賑災行動 Pakistan Floods & Landslides Humanitarian Relief

Przesłane : Oct-06-2022


多倫多總教區各個天主教社區以祈禱及實際行動對巴基斯坦水災、山泥傾瀉造成的災害作出人道援助。若閣下希望為救災行動盡一分力,可以透過  作網上捐款,又或致電 Development Office (416-934-3411) 認捐均可。本堂區亦定於 10 月 15 及 16 日各台彌撒中為此收取捐款。支票捐獻,抬頭請以英文填寫: St. Agnes Tsao Catholic Church– Pakistan Floods – Humanitarian Relief。讓我們繼續為災民祈禱。


Pakistan Floods & Landslides Humanitarian Relief

The Archdiocese of Toronto is accepting financial contributions for humanitarian relief following the catastrophic effects of floods & landslides in Pakistan since June. If you wish to assist the relief efforts, you can make an online donation by visiting  or by calling the Development Office at: (416) 934-3411. There will be a special collection in our parish for this purpose during all masses on Oct.15 & 16. Contributions by cheque should be made payable to: St. Agnes Tsao Catholic Church – Pakistan Floods – Humanitarian Relief.

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