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2023 籌款綜合晚會 / Variety Show

Przesłane : Nov-17-2023

一年一度的籌款綜合晚會已於上星期六 (11月11日)圓滿舉行。本堂神父及 堂區牧民議會謹此致謝籌委會及台前幕後所有弟兄姊妹的付 出,感激購票入場欣賞演出的朋友,並感謝大家的祈禱和捐款。願我們繼續攜手努力建設堂區這個大家庭。

2023 Variety Show
The Parish Pastoral Planning Council wishes to thank the Organizing Committee, the Production Team and all the performers of the annual fundraising Variety Show which was successful presented last Saturday (November 11). Thanks are also due to friends who purchased tickets and watched the show, as well as their prayers and donations. Let us continue to build our Parish, our Home, with one concerted effort!