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生命恩泉 - 捐贈物資 / Fountains of Love & Life—Food Drive

Przesłane : Nov-16-2022

FLL - Food Drive Collection

生命恩泉將於將臨期 12 月 10 日 至 18 日為在牙買加的 「貧窮者傳教會」Missionaries of the Poor 收集人道支援物資,幫助當地的貧困人士。物資包括各類西式罐頭食品、米、意大利粉及個人衞生用品如牙膏、牙刷、洗頭水、嬰兒潤膚露、女性衛生用品等。捐贈物資請存放在大堂特設紙箱內。請各位教友慷慨支持。

活動詳情及 Missionaries of the Poor 傳教會簡介可瀏覽網頁 :

Fountains of Love & Life—Food Drive
Fountains of Love & Life will be collecting non-perishable food such as rice, all kinds of canned food, dried fruit, assorted snacks and toiletries such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, baby lotion, shaving cream, wipes, children and adult diapers, feminine hygiene products in support of “Missionaries of the Poor” in Jamaica between Dec.10 and 18. Please give generously by bringing your donation items to the collection box located at the church hall.

For more information, please visit FLL website :