將臨期 - 愛的傳遞 / Advent - Giving Love

Przesłane : Nov-11-2022

Giving Tree將臨期 - 愛的傳遞

堂區的 “Giving Tree” 將於 11 月 19 日至 12 月 4 日於大堂擺設。今年,堂區將會贊助數個家庭,給他們捐贈禮物讓他們可以與家人分享聖誕的喜悅。鼓勵教友踴躍認捐禮物,讓一些缺乏物資的家庭獲得照顧。你的行動,為世界增添色彩,讓受惠者感到被愛、被關心。禮物將會捐贈到 Catholic Children’s Aid Foundation。

Advent—Giving Love
Our parish's “Giving Tree” will be set up in the lobby from November 19 to December 4. This year, our parish will adopt some families and support them with gifts so that they can share the joy of Christmas in the family. Please donate generously. All donations will be sent to Catholic Children's Aid Foundation.