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終身執事有志者班 / Intake 2024-2025 for Permanent Deacon

Przesłane : Nov-23-2024

多倫多總教區下年度之終身執事有志者班現正開始接受報名。截止報名日期為 2025 年 3 月,所有報名表格均會呈交聖奧斯定神學院(St. Augustine's Seminary)收生委員會接手繼續審核。如你認識任何人士正祈求或分辨成為終身執事的聖召,敬請他們與多倫多總教區聯絡 : 電話 416-934-3400,內線 304 或 305。

相關資訊 :

Intake 2024-2025 for Permanent Deacon
Intake for the next Propaedeutic Class is now in full swing. This Intake will end in March 2025 with the applicants' files going to St. Augustine's Seminary, where the Admission Committee will take over the process. If you know anyone who has been praying and discerning a calling to the Permanent Diaconate, have them contact the Archdiocese of Toronto at 416-934-3400 ext.304 or 305.

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