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KofC Wheelchair Campaign 2023

Przesłane : Mar-10-2023

哥倫布騎士會 將於 3 月 18 日至 26 日舉辦籌款活動,以幫助加拿大輪椅基金達成為有需要人士提供希望、急需之活動能力、自由及自主的使命。凡捐款 20 元或以上,均可獲加拿大輪椅基金發出退稅收據。每籌得195 元,便可以購買一張輪椅。感謝你慷慨解囊!

捐款方法如下:(加拿大輪椅基金 - 捐款表格可在此下載)

  • 以支票捐款:收款人請填上「Canadian Wheelchair Foundation」,然後郵寄到聖曹桂英堂區哥倫布騎士會(St. Agnes KY Tsao Catholic Church , 2130 Rodick Road, Markham, Ontario L6C 1S7 Attn. KofC Council 15176 )。請提供閣下之姓名、住址及電話,以便聯絡及付上退稅收據。並不接受現金捐款。
  • 以信用咭捐款:請妥善填寫捐款表格,提供閣下之姓名、住址及電話,以便聯絡及付上退稅收據。
  • 以電子郵件轉賬:請透過電郵  直接轉賬到堂區之哥倫布騎士會,註明是「輪椅基金捐款」,並請列明閣下之姓名、電郵及電話,以便聯絡及發出退稅收據。

The Knights of Columbus Council will initiate a fundraising campaign between March 18 and 26 to help Canadian Wheelchair Foundation in its mission of providing help, critical mobility, freedom and independence to people in need. Tax receipts will be issued by Canadian Wheelchair Foundation for donations of $20 or more. One standard wheelchair can be purchased for every $195 collected. Your generous support is greatly appreciated!

Donation Methods: (Canadian Wheelchair Foundation - Donation Form Download here)

  • By cheque: Please make your cheque payable to "Canadian Wheelchair Foundation" and mail it to St. Agnes KY Tsao Catholic Church (2130 Rodick Road, Markham, Ontario L6C 1S7 Attn. KofC Council 15176) . Kindly provide your name, address and phone number for tax receipt. No cash payment is accepted.
  • By credit card: Please complete the information on the Donation Form from the parish office and return it to the parish
  • By e-transfer: Please send to our K of C Council account with email :  and provide a note "for Wheelchair Donation, your name, mailing address and telephone number" for tax receipt.