S&L Short Film Series

News 2021-05-27

Przesłane : May-27-2021

「《愛 · 生命》微電影系列」網上放映會

天主教香港教區婚姻與家庭牧民委員會將與加拿大天主教電視台《鹽與光傳媒》聯合舉辦「《愛 · 生命》微電影系列」網上放映會,活動會在6月5日、12日以廣東話【配上英語字幕】及7月17日、24日,以國語【配上中文字幕】,各星期六,上午9時至11時於網上進行直播,藉此向北美及全球華人推廣生命的價值。故事內容根據真實個案改編,探討內容包括:婚前性行為導致懷孕的抉擇、發現胎兒異常怎麼辦、不育的掙扎、為拯救母親而放棄胎兒的兩難。主辦單位邀請了夏志誠主教、神父、修女及醫生,即場分享及即時回答觀眾問題。誠意邀請您參與這網上放映會。敬請留意,影片將不設網上重溫,機會難得,萬勿錯過!查詢參與詳情請到:https://slmedia.org/ch/blog/loveourlives 

“Love Our Lives” Short Film Series Online Screening Event
The Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and the Family of Hong Kong, together with Salt + Light Media, will organize an online screening of the short film series "Love Our Lives". It will take place from 9 am to 11 am on June 5 and 12 (in Cantonese with English subtitles) and on July 17 and 24 (in Mandarin with Chinese subtitles). The stories are based on real cases and address real challenges facing people today: the choice of premarital sex leading to pregnancy, what to do if the fetus is found to be abnormal, the struggle with infertility, and the dilemma of giving up the fetus in order to save the mother. The organizers have invited Bishop Joseph Ha, medical doctors, and religious to share their thoughts and answer questions from the audience. We invite you to participate in this online screening. Please note that the video will not be repeated online, so don’t miss it! For more details, please visit: https://slmedia.org/ch/blog/loveourlives