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News 2021-06-28

Przesłane : Jun-28-2021


安省將於 6 月 30 日星期三進入重啟經濟計劃的第二階段。堂區將持續提供平日早上及晚間彌撒、週六提前彌撒和主日彌撒。每台彌撒允許的座位數量將增加到 25%

  • 平日彌撒是採用“先到先得”方式入座參與。
  • 週六提前彌撒及主日彌撒則需要提前報名登記。網上預約參與彌撒於每個星期二的上午10點開始。多謝各位!

為方便不能到聖堂參加彌撒之教友,堂區將繼續於主日上午 10時提供一台粵語彌撒網上直播。敬請按時參予彌撒聖祭。


Dear Brothers & Sisters-in-Christ,

Ontario will move on to Step 2 of its reopening plan on Wednesday, June 30. Our Parish will continue celebrating weekday/weeknight Masses, Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses as scheduled. The allowable seating capacity will be increased to 25%.

  • Weekday/weeknight Masses are open "First Come First served".
  • Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses require registration in advance. Online registration begins every Tuesday at 10am. Thank you!

Our Parish will continue to provide a live-streamed Mass in Cantonese every Sunday at 10am for parishioners who wish to attend Mass online. Please visit this Online Mass page for more information. Thank you!

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Thomas Loh
St. Agnes Kouying Tsao Catholic Church