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News 2021-11-25

Przesłane : Nov-25-2021

將臨期的教區告解日將於 12 月 15 日 (星期三) 上午 10 時至中午 12 時舉行;另堂區告解日,訂於 12 月 17 日 (星期五) 晚上 7 時正至 9 時舉行。請前來辦個妥善的告解,與主、與人修和,準備過一個有意義的聖誕節。

由於疫情關係,教友必須致電堂區辦事處預約。開始預約登記日期為12 月 8 日 (星期三) 上午 10 時

The special Diocesan Day of Confessions is on Wednesday, December 15, from 10:00am - 12:00 noon. Our parish Advent Confession will be held on Friday, December 17, between 7:00pm and 9:00pm. Let us grasp this opportunity to make a good confession, to reconcile with God and our neighbors, and to prepare ourselves for Christmas. 

Due to the current pandemic situation, parishioners are requested to call and schedule an appointment with the Parish office. Registration begins on Wednesday, December 8 at 10am.