Bishop Frank Leo

教宗方濟各委任 Francis (Frank) Leo為多倫多第十四任總主教 /Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Frank Leo as Archbishop of Toronto

Przesłane : Feb-11-2023

新任總主教將於聖母領報慶日(即 3 月 25 日) 星期六 上午10 時 於聖彌額爾聖殿主教座堂就職。

教宗方濟各委任 Francis (Frank) Leo為多倫多第十四任總主教。Leo 主教原任職滿地可輔理主教。候任總主教繼承自從 2007年開始任職的 Thomas Collins 樞機。新的總主教將於數日內確定日期於聖彌額爾聖殿主教座堂就職。在這過渡期,我們感謝 Thomas Collins 樞機及他為我們之服務,同時歡迎候任 Francis Leo 總主教,他不久將會加入我們的團體。請繼續為這兩位善牧祈禱。

多倫多總教區資訊 :

The 14th Archbishop of Toronto

[Feb 16 Update] 
The Installation will be held at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica on the Solemnity of the Annunciation on Saturday, March 25 at 10am.

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Francis (Frank) Leo, currently Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Montreal, as the 14th Archbishop of Toronto. The Archbishop-designate succeeds Cardinal Thomas Collins, who has served the Archdiocese since 2007. The Installation will be held at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica on the Solemnity of the Annunciation on Saturday, March 25 at 10am. During this time of transition in the Archdiocese, we give thanks for Cardinal Collins and his service to the Church and welcome Archbishop-designate Leo, who will be joining the community very soon. Please continue to keep these shepherds close in prayer in the days ahead.

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