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王天偉執事及王新亮執事晉鐸典禮及祝賀晚宴 / Sacerdotal Ordination & Celebration Dinner

Przesłane : Apr-21-2023

Sacerdotal Ordination Ceremony

王天偉執事及王新亮執事將於 5 月 13 日(星期六)早上 10 時於聖彌額爾主教座堂晉鐸。

本堂特備穿梭巴士接送教友前往觀禮,早上 7 時 45 分出發;中午 12 時 30 分回程,車票每位$15.00,將於 4 月 15 日下午 3 時 30 分在大堂發售,每人限購兩票。

[4 月 17 日 更新] 前往觀禮穿梭巴士車票現已售罄。敬請留意。


堂區將於 5 月 15 日(星期一)假座 Riviera Event Space Vaughan 舉辦祝賀王天偉神父及王新亮神父晉鐸晚宴。當晚主徒會總會長張少麟神父及多位主徒會神父將會出席。餐券每位 $110.00(三歲或以下不佔坐位的小童免費),將於 4 月 15 日下午3 時 30 分開始在大堂發售。

另堂區預備了一些心意卡,擺放在大堂海報上。可將你們的心聲、祝福寫下,於 5 月 1 日前放入旁邊的大信封內,轉送給兩位新神父。


Sacerdotal Ordination Ceremony
Deacon Matthew Wang and Deacon John Wang will be ordained to priesthood on Saturday, May 13, 10am at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica.

Shuttle Bus Service
The Parish will arrange shuttle bus to transport those who wish to attend the ceremony. Bus will depart from our Parish at 7:45am and return from St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica at 12:30pm. Tickets @$15 will be for sale starting April 15 at 3:30pm in the church lobby and are limited to two per person.

[April 17 Update] Tickets for the shuttle bus to the ceremony are sold out. Thank you for your attention.

Sacerdotal Ordination Celebration Dinner

The Parish will organize a celebration dinner for the newly ordained Fr. Matthew Wang and Fr. John B. Wang on Monday, May 15 at the Riviera Event Space Vaughan. Fr. Francis Chong, General Superior, as well as some other CDD priests will attend. Dinner ticket @$110 will be available for sale on April 15 at 3:30 p.m. in the church lobby (children under age 3 who do not occupy a seat are free).

Greeting Cards for Our Two New Priests
The Parish has prepared greeting cards and placed them on the poster board. Please feel free to record your greetings/
message on a card and put the duly filled cards back into the attached big envelope before May 1. The cards collected will be passed on to the new priests.