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主日學招生 Sunday School Registration

Przesłane : May-04-2024

Sunday School

主日學將於 5 月 26 日及 6 月 2 日 (主日) 9 時至 1 時 30 分於地庫陸之樂堂接受辦理 2024 至 2025 年度學生登記手續,學生必須為本堂登記教友之已領洗子女,費用 $25。報名及詳情請參閱大堂海報並下載表格。

上課時間分別為星期六下午 4 時 30 分、主日早上 8 時 15 分、10 時及正午 12 時 (與粵語彌撒時間相同)。


Sunday School 2024-2025 Registration

Sunday School 2024-2025 will be accepting registrations between 9am and 1:30pm on Sundays, May 26 and June 2. Registration fee is $25.00. Please download the registration form below and refer to the poster in the lobby for additional info and registration guidelines.

Class hours are the same as Masses on Saturday 4:30 p.m., Sunday 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon respectively.

Please read the Registration Information for details and download the Registration Form.