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COVID-19 Policy Update effective March 1

Przesłane : Mar-04-2022



隨著疫情逐漸好轉,按多倫多總教區的最新防疫指引,堂區3月1日 (星期二) 開始作出以下一些調整。

  1. 雖然新指引取消了6尺的社交距離,堂區在四旬期第一至第五主日彌撒暫不實行這新指引,教友仍需預先在網上登記彌撒。
  2. 聖枝主日 (4月9日/10日) 開始,堂區將取消網上登記彌撒,因此不設彌撒人數上限,到時教友參加彌撒可以自由入座。屆時堂區將會恢復穿梭巴士服務。
  3. 進入聖堂前照常消毒雙手及量體溫。
  4. 參加彌撒及在聖堂範圍内務必保持戴口罩。
  5. 領聖體時請按照服務員的指示有序的領受聖體。
  6. 彌撒後,請將奉獻信封投入出口處的奉獻籃内。
  7. 堂區會議室等將在復活節後全面開始借用。
  8. 網上直播彌撒將繼續至復活節主日 (4月17日),到時再根據需要另作安排。




Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Wish you good health in the Lord!

Subsequent to the improved situation of the pandemic, and in accordance with the latest guidelines from the Toronto Archdiocese on covid-19, our Parish will introduce the following adjustments starting March 1:

  1. Though the 6-foot distancing has been abolished, the Parish will not follow this new guideline for Sunday masses during Lent. Parishioners still need to register online for attending mass;
  2. Starting from Palm Sunday (April 9/10), online registration for mass will be cancelled, and there will be no upper limit for attendance. Parishioners may sit in freely and shuttle bus service will then resume;
  3. Hand sanitization and temperature check before entering the church will still be in place;
  4. Masks to be worn during mass and within church premises;
  5. Please follow ushers’ instruction when queuing up in an orderly manner for Holy Communion;
  6. Please place your donation envelops into the basket as you exit after mass;
  7. Rooms for various meetings and activities will be available after Easter;
  8. Online mass will continue until Easter (April 17) after which it will be reviewed according to need of the time.

Attention: Parishioners or family members who are living in the same household feeling unwell should stay home. Should you get infected with COVID-19 after visiting the church, please notify the Parish Office immediately, so that we may inform the Archdiocese and take necessary measures as required. Thank you.

I wish to thank all our brothers and sisters who have served the Parish during the pandemic as well as the patience and cooperation of all our parishioners. May the merciful Lord bless you and bestow upon you and your family good health and peace!
Your Pastor,
Fr. Thomas Loh