籌款綜合晚會招募義工 / Volunteers Recruitment for Variety Show 2024

Przesłane : Feb-16-2024

堂區一年一度的籌款綜合晚會將於本年 11月中舉行。籌委會現巳成立,並開始招募場刋設計、節目統籌及晚會制作之義務工作人員。有興趣參加者,請向堂區辦事處查詢及報名。讓我們齊心合力辦好這項活動,實現「堂區是我家,齊來建設她」。

Volunteers Recruitment for Variety Show 2024

Our 2024 Parish Annual Fundraising Variety Show will be held in November this year. An organizing committee has been formed and is now recruiting volunteers to assist in the program book design, program co-ordination and production of the show. If you are interested to join, please contact the parish office. Let our concerted effort help to achieve our vision: “Our Parish is Our Home”.