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World Youth Day 2023 Webinar

Przesłane : Sep-29-2022

Any young adults aged 18-35 who are looking for more information for World Youth Day 2023 with St. Agnes can attend our webinar hosted by Tour Design on Monday, October 17, 2022 at 8pm. This is open to both currently registered pilgrims and non-registered pilgrims who missed our first info night. Topics to be discussed include: itinerary, finances, travel insurance, and a Q/A session at the end.

Link: https://meet.goto.com/891470405 
Please click Join with password to enter the online meeting. The login password is wyd2023

青年組將會參加2023年夏季於葡萄牙里斯本舉行之世界青年日,並鼓勵所有年齡介乎 18至35 歲之學生及青年參加。已報名或有興趣參加者請於 10月 17日晚上8時參加於網上由 Tour Design 舉辦的資訊會

網上資訊會: https://meet.goto.com/891470405 
 請點擊 Join with password 進入網上會議。登入密碼 = wyd2023