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World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 Info Night

Przesłane : Aug-10-2022

WYD Lisbon 2023

World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 - Info Night

Our Youth Ministry will be organizing a group to participate in World Youth Day next summer 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. All students and young adults aged 18-35 are encouraged to join. If anyone is interested or is looking for more information, you are probably wondering: What is World Youth Day? How long is it? What is the cost and itinerary? Will we get to visit Fatima? Why should I go if I'm already in YOSAC or Ga Tung? We will be holding an Information Night on Saturday, Aug 27 at 7:30pm in the church to answer these questions and hear the experiences of people who have been to World Youth Day before, and address any inquiries you have.


堂區青年組將會組團參加 2023年夏季於葡萄牙里斯本舉行之世界青年日,並鼓勵所有年齡介乎18至35 歲之學生及青年人參加。任何人士有意參加或尋求更詳細資料,例如甚麼是世界青年日?要去多少日?費用及行程如何?是否會順道遊覽花地瑪?如果我巳經是堂區或加東青年組成員,我為何要參加呢?堂區將於 8月 27日晚上7時30分假聖堂舉行一次資訊晚會,解答以上或你提出之任何問題,並聽聽已前曾參加過世界青年日人士之經驗。