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青年組籌款活動 / YOSAC Retreat Fundraising

Przesłane : Mar-10-2023

YOSAC Art Auction 2023

Silent auction is now extended until March 31. Thank you for your attention.


堂區青年組 (YOSAC) 將會為 5月的青年避靜舉行藝術品拍賣及手作賣物會籌款活動。所有藝術品皆由堂區青年人創作,主題為復活節及救主慈悲。展品將由 3 月 18 至 31日在大堂以靜默拍賣形式進行。投標者請自行填寫展品前的投標單,競投時間截止後,主辦單位將會聯絡出價最高而成功競投的善心人士。另外,手作賣物會將於 3 月 25 及 26日,發售十字架串珠鎖匙扣以及不同款式的磁石貼。希望教友鼎力支持。

YOSAC Retreat Fundraising
Youth of St. Agnes Church (YOSAC) will be running an art auction and crafts sale fundraiser for the upcoming In-Person YOSAC retreat this May. All pieces are created by parish youth relating to the theme of “Easter and Divine Mercy”. These artworks will be exhibited in the lobby from March 18 to 31, in a silent auction format. Bidders should fill in the bid at the booth and winners will be contacted at the end of the auction. The crafts sale fundraiser is taking place on March 25 & 26, which showcases crafts such as beaded cross keychains and different designer magnets. Thanks for your support!