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Spiritual Corner : Death - An Inescapable Reality

Przesłane : Mar-24-2023

Death is a mystery. Consciously or unconsciously we confront death everyday: every minute we die a little; we come to realize that our life is not endless, we are limited; we must die. But the most startling of Jesus' proclamations in the Gospel is: “I am the resurrection and the life,” a statement that needs no profound elaboration. Here Jesus does not refer merely to his own resurrection, but to that of all who believe in him.

An elderly Chinese philosopher was once approached by a young woman who was grief-stricken by the loss of her only son. “I will be able to help you,” he assured her, “if you bring me some mustard seed; but it must be obtained from a home where there has never been any sorrow.” The woman started her search with hope and eagerness. In every place she visited, however, there had been some trials and loss of loved ones. Returning disappointed, she exclaimed, “How selfish have I been. Sorrow is common to all.” “Ah,” said the sage, “you have learned a valuable lesson and acquired a wealth of wisdom which has not only eased your grief, but also helped you to sympathize with others.”

God is the giver of life. He sent His son so that we may have life through him. (Jn. 20:31) A Christian, a follower of Christ, needs hence forward to have no fear of death. For Jesus has overcome death forever, and has transformed this apparent human tragedy into a glorious beginning. He says: “He who believes in me will never die.”

The Gospel story reminds us that Jesus who called his friend back to earthly life has the power to give eternal life. For, he is ‘the life and the resurrection’. There lies the source of our hope. There we see the light in the darkness of death. The question is: Do you believe? Do you believe that Christ has conquered death and sin through his own death and resurrection?

I am the resurrection and the life. Life here is not the biological life, but eternal life, life with God.

For, Jesus promises: “Whoever believes in me will never die.” Therefore, resurrection is not an event ‘at the end of time.’ Jesus is the resurrection and he who believes in him is already risen as a new creation. Passing from death to life is an act of faith. He who believes in Jesus will ‘put on the new man’ and lead a new life, a life of hope and love. That is the good news in this message.

The raising of Lazarus from death is an indication of what Jesus does for us today: he calls us to stay away from all that leads to death, namely, sin. Death can take place even while we live. Without Christ we are dead. Eternal life is not a future event, it is here and now. Living in the spirit of Jesus, in love and for the love of God, we have a foretaste of life eternal in Christ: life in fullness.

Fr. Philip Tan