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Spiritual Corner - Accompany Jesus for Forty Days

Przesłane : Feb-17-2023

Lent begins with the coming Ash Wednesday, February 22. After his Baptism, Jesus stayed in the wilderness for forty days, praying and fasting. We should follow the example of Jesus to purify our heart and mind with prayers and sacrifices to receive the Holy Week and Easter. We should not view Lent as one of the many feasts and solemnities during the liturgical year. It is a time of great grace and blessings. A time for us to be born again and to enrich ourselves. We can connect our faith and spiritual life during Lent with Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness. Through preparing ourselves spiritually and physically, we can experience the mysteries of death and resurrection of our LORD Jesus.

During his forty days in the wilderness, Jesus concentrated on praying so as to prepare for his public ministry. Then Satan came to tempt Jesus three times, yet Jesus overcame the temptations. Satan’s temptation represents the three aspects of temptation that each person faces:- the pursuit of physical needs, wealth and authority. The meaning of Jesus’ victory over the temptations shows that as a real person, Jesus being the new Adam, overturned the outcome of Adam’s temptation in the Garden of Eden. Jesus’ action proves to be a model for us to follow, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” (Hebrews 4:15) So, in the future when we face temptation, note that we do not only have Jesus as a good example but also have him as our aid and strength.

During this Lent, let us, through prayer, sacrifice and works of charity, increase our spiritual strength and through the Word of God, enrich our life. Let us also wisely use this Lenten period to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ Passover mysteries and let each of us experience the Passover in our spiritual life.

Deacon Matthew Wang