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Spiritual Corner - I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church - Reflections on Luke 5:1-11

Przesłane : Oct-27-2022

The phrase "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church" had entangled me for quite a while before I joined the seminary until I came to understand that the foundation of the Church is Jesus Christ. How could such an imperfect church become a holy church? Luke Chapter 5:3 tells of Jesus getting into Peter’s boat and teaching the crowds away from the shore. Saint Augustine explains that the boat represents the Church and Jesus wants to teach the crowds through the Church. When Jesus got on the boat, he told Peter to put out a short distance from the shore, this means that "the teaching of the Church is not secular, and the world can neither immerse into nor pollute religion." We find Peter saying to Jesus, "Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man." This reminds me of Pope Francis’ recent reconciliation pilgrimage to Canada. To some extent, this seems to repeat the words of Peter, "Lord, I am a sinful man." No doubt, the Church is holy, but the Church is also made up of sinful men. Within the Church, who is not a sinful man? Everyone of us is a sinful man. "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." (1John 1:8) Thus, we can also be hurt within the Church, hurt by each other, even by the ecclesiastic. We may have been disappointed with the Church to the extent of losing confidence in her, but, this should only be losing confidence in man, never in the Church because it is really Jesus who is steering the boat. There has never been any organization or institution that exists for over two thousand years, however, the Church stands strong and firm throughout. This in itself is a miracle, it is because the Church is led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus says, "Do not fear", so we should not be afraid. Let us trust in Jesus, trust in the Holy Spirit, and have faith in the Church. I believe in the Holy Catholic Church, Amen!

Deacon John Wang