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Spiritual Corner - It Is Good to Know You (A Witness )

Przesłane : May-05-2023

St. James reminded us: “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, which is moved and carried about by the wind. Therefore let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.” (James 1:6-7) Let us see how one of our sisters who joined the Mandarin RCIA in 2022 encountered Jesus and witnessed St. James’ teaching.

“The first time I heard about Jesus was from my husband. He studied the Bible thoroughly. Ever since he studied the Bible, he scarcely argued with me, for he said the Bible taught him first to love his family. From then, I realized that this must be a good religion. Later, my aunt became a protestant and she told me about prayers and she said whatever we asked from Jesus, we would be granted and basically all she asked for did come true.

I took her advice and started to pray. The first thing I asked from Jesus was my son’s application for admission to a high school in Canada. At that time, we were still in China and every year, only two boys would be admitted to that Canadian high school, so competition was keen. Then I prayed to Jesus, saying that I would follow Him should my son be admitted for which he did. Later, we, the whole family were about to immigrate to Canada and we had to buy a house. I prayed to Jesus again, hoping that the seller would straightly accept our offer. Consequently, the owner sold the house to us direct.

We came to Canada with work visa, so we had to wait for approval of Permanent Residency (i.e. PR). Then I prayed that our PR could be approved soon and it was quickly approved. I felt that I was really lucky, being so much cared for by Jesus. I was a little greedy, I must admit, for I prayed to Jesus for so many things. When my second son applied for high school, a popular high school opposite to our house, he was first put on the waiting list. I prayed to Jesus again, hoping that my son would be admitted. Soon my son’s name was moved from the waiting list to the admission list. Of course there were things that I prayed for but were not granted, like when my two younger sons applied for admission to private schools but were not admitted. I understood that their mastery of English was not up to standard, thus were not admitted. It was not because Jesus had not listened to our prayers.

Moreover, I was quite afraid of ghosts and having nightmares, but since I attended RCIA, after getting some sanctities and putting them in my house and under my pillow, and every night praying to Jesus for a nice sleep, I did not have nightmares anymore. Sister Lo had once said, ‘God is our father, how would our father not love His children? Jesus said: And which of you, if he ask his father bread, will he give him a stone? Similarly, God will give us all we want, only if we ask appropriately.’ So, we can pray for what we need. Thank our Lord Jesus for having led me to RCIA. God and Jesus is my god of protection, my reliance. I must strengthen my faith in order to repay His mercy and love.”

The witness of this catechumen reminds us that we should query ourselves: “Do we have the same faith in God?”

May God bless you all!

Sr. Thomas Lo