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Spiritual Corner - Let Us Always Be Grateful and Charitable

Przesłane : Jan-27-2023

Nowadays, families are of different patterns and sizes, but one thing can be sure: in order to maintain a happy family, it requires a lot of time, effort and work and, in addition, incessant praying!

Always maintain a sense of gratefulness
In a world where “ the mountain yonder always looks higher”, it would be easy look at our neighbours through the wattle, or appreciate what’s on our favorite TV programme and fancy ourselves to be in possession of what they own. Yet, we would ultimately discover that the key to a happy family is to frequently check what God has given us. It is most important to remember, and remember to remind our children, all that we own have come from God - our material life, our friends, our family, and even our talents and abilities are conferred by God. The American politician, Frank A. Clark, had said, “If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.” Good Catholic families are always grateful for God’s blessings, whether the gifts are big or small, and even when they are struggling in difficult situations, they would still feel grateful, not to say how grateful they would be during fine times!

Always be charitable
We thank God for his blessings, and one of the elements of thankfulness is to requite, that is, to give and be charitable. Catholic families should remember not to greedily store up God’s blessings, only receiving but not giving. God blesses us, gives us abundant resources, He is to tell us to share with arduous people. Children will learn from the examples of charitable parents, give part of their possessions to others, though their share is not as big as their parents’. After all, we acquire a lot of important elements from our family, and when we have a family of our own, we will naturally develop such good qualities in our life.

Your Pastor,
Fr. Thomas Loh
(An excerpt from the internet)