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Spiritual Corner - Love, Key to Life in Fullness

Przesłane : Sep-09-2023

In today’s Gospel Jesus presents to us the beautiful picture of a community of members filled with love and concern. It illustrates how we can establish true Christian fellowship.

If somebody goes astray, we must approach him with fraternal love to bring back into the fold. Far from condemning him or blaming him for the wrong-doing we must talk to him personally and convince him of our loving concern. The Gospel advises us to adopt a face to face settlement, quietly and privately, in a spirit of fraternal correction, to re-establish the broken relationships. If this attempt fails then we are advised to go to him with some wise persons to make him realize that the whole community is concerned and wants to have him back.

Jesus emphasizes in this Gospel the power of prayer. He says: “If two or three are joined together in prayer the Father will hear them.” It is a great assurance to those who pray that Jesus himself will be in their midst and participate in their prayer. The Jews had great faith in community prayer. It is written: “Where two sit and are occupied with study of the Law, the glory of God is among them.” Community prayer puts an end to quarrels and brings unity. Covenant, community, kindness, forgiveness are characteristics of this Biblical religion. The experience of all these make our life joyful, and worth living. All this is possible only if there is love.

An ex-convict was returning home by train from a distant prison. He was ashamed of his imprisonment and was hoping that his family had forgiven him. Then for a sign of their having forgiven him, they were supposed to tie a white ribbon on the apple tree close to the track. If he didn't see the ribbon, then he would go wherever the train took him.

As the train neared his hometown his suspense became so great that he couldn't bear to look out of the window. His companion obliged him to change places and said that he would watch for the apple tree. In a minute, he put his hand on the young ex-convict's arm. “There it is!” he whispered, his eyes bright with sudden tears. “It is all right, the whole tree is white with ribbons.”

Peace and harmony are possible only in a life lived in the spirit of love and forgiveness. God is love and where there is love there is God. Love of God includes the love of one's neighbour. Love can only be experienced in living with others and getting along with others in harmony in the community. This hurts nobody, but completes and perfects everything and leads to life in fullness. Hence, the key to happiness, peace and joy, is LOVE.

Fr. Philip Tan CDD