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Spiritual Corner - Receive the Holy Spirit

Przesłane : May-28-2023

Today, on this Pentecost Sunday, the promise Jesus made to the Apostles on that evening of the first Easter Sunday is fulfilled. On that evening, Jesus breathed on them and said to them : “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (Jn 20.22).

And here is the way it happened :
Ten days after Jesus has ascended to his Father, when Mary and the Apostles are all gathered together in the upper room praying for the arrival of the Holy Spirit, when suddenly they hear a noise like a violent wind and tongues as of fire appear to them and rest on each and every one of them.

Wind and fire are the signs of God’s presence. The Apostles are all filled with the Holy Spirit, and a new strength arises within their hearts. They become fearless and begin to proclaim the good news in various languages, saying, “Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Saviour of the world.” The church of Jesus is suddenly born and is revealed to the whole world.

Now, the apostles, filled with this new fire, go off through the whole world to speak of Jesus and of his Good News everywhere. They baptise all those who believe in him, in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And the family of God, the church, begins and grows in number even to this day. And that is what you have come to do: to make it grow a little bit more, in this wonderful city of Markham and in this parish called St. Agnes Kouying Tsao. Through baptism, confirmation and the Holy Eucharist, you have become part of something that began over two thousand years ago in a little room in Jerusalem, when Mary and the apostles opened their hearts, and opened their minds to the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the intimate and personal counselor and advocate who guides the disciples towards the truth, who motivates them to do well, who consoles them in their
suffering and pain, and transforms them into people of hope, faith and love.

Today, let us open our hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in faith, hope and love. 

Deacon Thomas Kung