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Spiritual Corner - What Christmas Present Do You Have for Jesus?

Przesłane : Dec-08-2023

It is a Christmas tradition to send gifts to people whom we love and care for. Have you ever considered sending a Christmas present to Jesus? After all, Christmas is HIS birthday. “What kind of gifts Jesus would like to get from us?” you may ask. May be the following story will give you some idea:

St Jerome (342-420 A.D.) spent many years translating the Bible into Latin. He finished this grand project of his just a few days before Christ-mas. To celebrate his accomplishment, Jerome decided to spend Christ-mas Eve in nearby Bethlehem. Some time around midnight, Jerome heard a soft voice calling his name, “Jerome!” Jerome was surprised ... he looked around in bewilderment ... nothing ... nobody was there. Mo-ments later, he heard the same voice, “Jerome!” The voice was coming from the Holy Grotto. The voice continued, “Jerome, what will you give me for my birthday?” Jerome knew it was Jesus’ voice.

Immediately and enthusiastically, Jerome said: “Lord, I’ll give you the translation of the Bible that I have just completed .”

Jesus replied: “No, Jerome. That is not what I want.”

Jerome was speechless and started suggesting, “I will give all my possessions to the poor, live as a hermit, and start fasting from now on.”

Jesus replied, “No. Jerome. That is not what I want most.”

Finally, Jerome protested, “Then please tell me, Lord, tell me what would give you the most joy on your birthday, and you shall have it.”

Jesus said, “Do you promise, Jerome?”

Jerome stated firmly: “Yes, Lord, anything at all.”

Jesus replied, “Give me your sins…”

Jerome queried, “My sins? What will you do with my sins, Lord?”

Jesus answered, “I want your sins so that I can absolve them, that's the reason why I came to this world.”

A deep silence prevailed. St. Jerome was shocked and began to shed tears, tears of gratitude that flooded the Holy Grotto all night long.

This story reminds us that the best gift to offer our Savior is the repentance of our sins. This is the best way to celebrate Christmas, so let us present to Jesus a good birthday gift!

(Excerpt from Bible Study Society Website)