聖堂地址 Parish Address
2130 Rodick Road, Markham, Ontario, Canada L6C 1S7
Tel: (905) 887 - 7922 Fax: (905) 887 - 7933
Email: stagneskouyingtsao@archtoronto.org
辦事處開放時間 / Parish Office Hours
The Office opening hours are as follows:
來往聖堂與 St. Augustine Catholic High School 之穿梭巴士服務。
請教友善用堂區於星期六提前彌撒、主日彌撒、及特別節日提供之穿梭巴士服務 及 使用 St. Augustine Catholic High School 之停車塲。多謝合作!
[特別通告 2月15日 ] |
堂區將於 3 月 5 日 聖灰日提供額外的穿梭巴士服務。
敬請同時留意 以下泊車限制,切勿違例泊車。
Shuttle bus service between Church and St. Augustine Catholic High School
Please parishioners make good use of the Shuttle Bus Services provided for Saturday Vigil, Sunday Mass and Special Events; and park your vehicles at St. Augustine Catholic High School. Thank you for your cooperation.
[Special Announcement 2025-02-15] |
Additional shuttle bus service will be provided on Ash Wednesday, March 5.
Regular Schedule
Please be reminded of the following parking restrictions. Please park responsibly.
新教友登記表格 / New Parishioner Registration
We welcome new parishioners. Please register at the Parish Office.
For change of address, please inform the Parish Office as well.
[ 按此可下載登記表格 / Downland Registration Form here ]
自動轉帳捐款計劃 / Pre-Authorized Giving Plan
有興趣參加多倫多總教區推行的自動轉帳捐款計劃的教友,請到堂區辦事處查詢詳情及索取申請表格,填妥表格後連同報廢支票 ("VOID" cheque) 交回堂區辦事處。
Parishioners who are interested in enrolling in the Pre-Authorized Giving Plan are requested to visit the parish office for more information and registration.
[ 按此可下載申請表格 / Download Enrollment Form Here ]
Mass, Devotion & Confession Schedule... [ See Details ]