Mass, Devotion & Confession Schedule
1月 3日 ( 首瞻禮六 ) 恭敬耶穌聖心。早上 8時彌撒後,明供聖體。晚上 7時:晚禱、聖體降福,接著舉行耶穌聖心彌撒 。歡迎教友前來參與,一起默想主基督耶穌的聖愛。(教友可自由選擇朝拜聖體時間。請將名字登記在設於大堂的時間表上)。 There will be the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after the 8:00am Mass, Vespers and Benediction at 7:00pm to be followed by Holy Mass on First Friday, January 3, 2025. (The Eucharistic Adoration schedule is located in the lobby. Please make yourself available and fill in the timeslot for Eucharistic Adoration.) |
晚餐廳祈禱會的祈禱意向是為神父、修士及修女們祈禱。下次舉行日期為 1 月 9 日。歡迎教友參加。 The Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests - Prayer intention of each meeting is for priests and all other religious in consecrated life. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9, 2025. All are welcome. |
邀請教友於 1 月 16 日 (星期四) 晚上 8 時,參與一小時明供聖體形式的朝拜聖體。透過聖詠、短禱、靜默,引領我們默觀基督聖容,體驗衪的聖愛, 同沐主恩。 On Thursday, January 16, 2025, please come to honour the Eucharistic Presence of Christ, in a deeper sense, “the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us”. During Eucharistic Adoration, we “watch and wait”, we remain “silent”, we “sing”, we “pray” in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist ... By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a magnet, the Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us. |
參與祭品(餅酒)的奉獻 Offering of Bread and Wine
誠邀教友主動、積極的參與各台主日彌撒中禮品 (餅酒)的奉獻。有意參與奉獻禮品的教友,請在特設的登記冊上登記,以便屆時通知您前來奉獻。
Parishioners are invited to participate in bread and wine offerings at Saturday and Sunday Masses. Those who are interested may sign up in the registration book and they will be informed of the time of offering.
彌撒獻儀 Mass Intentions
** 電話查詢 (905-887-7922) **
堂區眾教友的彌撒意向 |
按本教區指引 ,奉獻宣佈名字的教友彌撒意向 ,須付聖堂二十加元彌撒獻儀 。
此乃愛德行動去實踐堂區一家,彼此輔助,尤其是在物質上去協助堂區,也為實現奉獻給天主的意義。昔日奉獻的是牛羊牲畜 ,今日是為便利而言卻奉獻金錢,但請緊記彌撒聖祭或任何聖事 ,都不可用金錢去衡量或作交易 ,否則該聖事已屬自動無効 。
神父依照信友們的意向奉獻彌撒,實踐了他的司祭職務為祈求天主施恩助佑 ,並為服務信友神益得救等,而舉行聖事。
Missa Pro Populo |
In accordance with the Archdiocesan guidelines, a parishioner wishing to offer an announced Mass intention will have to contribute $20.
This is a tangible deed of love to substantiate the notion that our parish is one family: we help one another, especially in material terms in supporting the parish, while making an offering to God. In the past, cows and goats were sacrificed. Today, for convenience money is offered, but please do remember that any Mass or Sacrament cannot be measured or ‘traded’ in monetary terms, in which case that particular Sacrament will be voided automatically.
The priest, in offering a certain Mass in accordance with the parishioner’s intention, is fulfilling his duties as priest in asking for God’s blessing and assistance and in serving the faithful for their salvation, etc.