SATCC Main banner


  • Sacred heart of Jesus
    首瞻禮六 / Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Jul-05-2024 至 Jul-05-2024   |   SATCC, Markham
     7 月 5 日 ( 首瞻禮六 ) 恭敬耶穌聖心。 早上 8 時彌撒後,明供聖體。 晚上 7 時:晚禱、聖體降福,接著舉行耶穌聖心彌撒。 歡迎教友前來參與,一起默想主基督耶穌的聖愛。教友可自由選擇朝拜聖體時間。請將名字登記在設於大堂的時間表上。 On July 5, 2024 (First Friday - Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus), there will be: Exposition of the...
  • SBC Poster 2024
    兒童聖經歡樂營 Children Summer Bible Camp 2024
    Aug-12-2024 至 Aug-16-2024   |   SATCC
    本年度兒童聖經歡樂營將於 8 月 12 日至 16 日舉行。 6 至 12 歲可以參加歡樂營 ; 13 至 14 歲可以參加領袖訓練營 ; 15 歲或以上可以申請成為義工 4 月 27 日 (下午 3:30) 開始接受登記。請到聖物部索取報名表格,填妥後交回聖物部。 歡樂營及領袖訓練營截止日期為 6 月 2 日。義工申請截止日期為 6 月 30 日。名額有限,請從速報名。 2024...
  • 2024 Couples Retreat
    Oct-11-2024 至 Oct-13-2024   |   Queen of the Apostles Renewal Centre
    夫婦同心會將於 10 月 11 至 13 日在密西沙加市的Queen of the Apostles Renewal Centre 舉行夫婦靈修營。神師是本堂主任司鐸羅秀彪神父, 主題為「他 祂 她 在主內合而為一」。 藉著聖神的引領,希望提供一個增進夫婦關係的美好時光,在主內重燃愛火。請於本主日及 6 月 8、9 日的各台彌撒後到大堂特設攤位查詢及報名。歡迎教友夫婦參加。
  • CCMEA-logo-Rollup-1.png
    粵語夫婦懇談週末營 Marriage Encounter Workshop (Cantonese)
    Aug-03-2024 至 Aug-05-2024   |   Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre 1617 Blythe Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
    第26屆 “粵語夫婦懇談週末營”   (click here for English)   天主教中華殉道聖人堂「夫婦融樂會」主辦第二十六屆粵語夫婦懇談週末營, 將於今年八月三日至八月五日長週末舉行。 夫婦懇談週末營是特別為那些願意使自己婚姻生活更豐盛的夫婦而設。 藉著三天兩夜的活動,透過一個基於愛的溝通技巧,使夫婦兩人真誠地交談,增進彼此的關係並建立更融洽和相愛的家庭。 地點:  Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, 1617 Blythe Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. -  費用:每對夫婦加幣五百元 ($500) (包括兩人三天兩夜食宿,夫婦必須一起參加) 名額有限...
  • Two people holding hands
    Summer Street Patrol
    Jul-03-2024 06:30 PM 至 Jul-10-2024 09:30 PM   |   St. Patrick's Parish, 131 McCaul St.
    July 3 to August 28, 2024, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Every Wednesday evening in July and August) Would you or your group like to help the homeless? Street Patrol is a walk through Toronto's...
  • Shelf of books
    Teaching about Contemporary Antisemitism, July 2024
    Jul-08-2024 至 Jul-15-2024   |   Online
    AN ONLINE EVENT RECOMMENDED BY THE OFFICE FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY AND RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH JUDAISM Antisemitic incidents are at their peak in the Greater Toronto Area and around the world. This free online course is a guided, facilitator-led...
  • Cross at Sunrise
    Christian Meditation: An Introductory Session
    Jul-10-2024 07:30 PM 至 Jul-10-2024 08:30 PM   |   Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Toronto
    AN EVENT SPONSORED BY THE OFFICE FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY AND RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH JUDAISM Learn and experience the ‘Prayer of Heart’ as a spiritual practice in the tradition of John Main. This simple form of prayer is...
  • Two people holding hands
    Family Healing Retreat 2024
    Jul-13-2024 09:00 AM 至 Jul-14-2024 06:00 PM   |   Divine Retreat Centre Toronto, 69 William St.
    The Family Healing Retreat will be led by Fr. Sam Samuel VC, Fr. Louis Joseph VC and the Divine team on July 13 and 14 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Retreat will consist of Holy Mass...
  • Beach
    Date Night Event at the Newman Centre
    Jul-17-2024 06:00 PM 至 Jul-17-2024 09:00 PM   |   Newman Centre Catholic Mission
    Join us at the Newman Centre on Wednesday, July 17 for our Summer Date Night Event starting at 6 p.m. Enjoy delicious food, engage in great conversation and take part in some fun under the sun! Tickets are $50...
  • Merciful Redeemer Pour Out
    Pour Out Adoration Night
    Jul-19-2024 07:00 PM 至 Jul-19-2024 09:00 PM   |   Merciful Redeemer Parish, 2775 Erin Centre Blvd.
    “By grace you have been saved.” What does this mean for us? As our Heavenly Father continually pours out His love and mercy, are we receptive? We are God’s workmanship, crafted for goodness and greatness. How...
  • Harbour Catholic Praise & Worship
    Harbour (Praise & Worship Night) 3: July 20, 2024
    Jul-20-2024 06:30 PM 至 Jul-20-2024 09:30 PM   |   Holy Martyrs of Japan Parish, Bradford
    ALL AGES WELCOME! Join Steadfast on July 20th, 2024, for Harbour: an evening of prayer with praise & worship music held at Holy Martyrs of Japan Parish (167 Essa St., Bradford, Ont. L3Z 2V3). Doors Open: 6:30 p.m...
  • Bookcase
    What Made Germany Vulnerable to Nazism?
    Jul-23-2024 04:00 PM 至 Jul-23-2024 05:00 PM   |   Virtual
    AN EVENT RECOMMENDED BY THE OFFICE FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY AND RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH JUDAISM Our webinars are designed to increase participants’ knowledge of Holocaust history, explore and access classroom-ready content and support instructional practice to promote student...
  • The Source
    The Source Holy Hour
    Jul-25-2024 07:00 PM 至 Jul-25-2024 09:00 PM   |   840 Bathurst Street, Toronto
    You are invited to The Source Holy Hour with music by the Sisters of Life at St. Peter's Church in Toronto (Bathurst and Bloor). To download the poster, click here. More information can be found on the Sisters of...
  • Sisters of Life Logo
    July Day of Prayer and Healing
    Jul-27-2024 09:00 AM 至 Jul-27-2024 05:30 PM   |   Please contact the Sisters
    Healing After Abortion: Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past abortion? There is always hope. The pain and sorrow of abortion does not need to endure for a lifetime. A “Day of Prayer and...
  • Bookcase
    The Great Deportation: The Turning Point of the Warsaw Ghetto
    Jul-29-2024 04:00 PM 至 Jul-29-2024 05:00 PM   |   Virtual
    AN EVENT RECOMMENDED BY THE OFFICE FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY AND RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH JUDAISM Our webinars are designed to increase participants’ knowledge of Holocaust history, explore and access classroom-ready content and support instructional practice to promote student...
  • Blessed Virgin Mary
    Greek Orthodox Service of Intercessory Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
    Aug-02-2024 07:00 PM 至 Aug-02-2024 08:00 PM   |   Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 136 Sorauren Ave., Toronto
    AN EVENT SPONSORED BY THE OFFICE FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY AND RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH JUDAISMThe ‘Greek Orthodox Service of Intercessory Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary’ is part of a year-long series of monthly events commemorating the...
  • Divine Retreat Centre Toronto Logo
    Bible Convention 2024
    Aug-03-2024 09:00 AM 至 Aug-04-2024 06:00 PM   |   Divine Retreat Centre Toronto, 69 William St.
    The Bible Convention is scheduled for August 3rd & 4th, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Convention will be led by Fr. Antony Parankimalil VC, Director of Divine Retreat Centre Rwanda, and the Sunday Holy Mass...
  • Linked in Christ Poster - Cropped
    Linked in Christ - Jesus Youth Canada National Conference
    Aug-09-2024 09:00 AM 至 Aug-11-2024 05:00 PM   |   McMaster University, 1280 Main St., Hamilton, Ont.
    Jesus Youth Canada is planning to have a three day National Conference on August 9–11, 2024 at McMaster University in Hamilton. We are hoping to have around 1000 members (couples, young adults, youth, teens and pre-teens) to...
  • Sunflowers
    21st Annual St. Padre Pio Golf Tournament
    Aug-14-2024 11:30 AM 至 Aug-14-2024 08:30 PM   |   Royal Woodbine Golf Club
    Our 21st Annual St. Padre Pio Parish Golf Tournament will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at Royal Woodbine Golf Club (195 Galaxy Blvd. Toronto). The cost is $250 per golfer, which includes 18 holes of golf with cart...
  • Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services Logo
    Annual Mass for the Faithful Departed
    Aug-14-2024 07:00 PM 至 Aug-14-2024 08:00 PM   |   Multiple Locations
    The Annual Mass for the Faithful Departed will be celebrated on Wednesday August 14, 2024 at 7 p.m. Masses throughout the Greater Toronto Area and Barrie will take place for the souls of the deceased buried at our Catholic...
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