當今世界在許多方面都在降低生命的價值,從墮胎、生殖技術到安樂死 (MAiD)。為了了解天主對生命的美好計劃,哥倫布騎士會很榮幸地邀請了 St. Augustine’s Seminary 的神學院主任教授 Fr. Kelvin Belgrave 為我們講述生命與道德的話題。研討會將幫助我們更新對生命的尊嚴,引導我們認識如何保護和尊重脆弱的生命。
報名請使用網址 https://forms.gle/X5uawWi7pf9XhSm69
聯絡電郵: knightsofcolumbus15176@gmail.com
Life Talk Workship – What is Life?
In many ways the world today is degrading the value of life, from abortion, reproductive technologies to euthanasia (MAiD). To understand the beauty of God’s plan for life, Knights of Columbus is honoured to have invited Fr. Kevin Belgrave, Director of the Institute of Theology of St. Augustine’s Seminary to talk to us on the topic of life and morality. The workshop will help us to renew the dignity of life and enrich our own life on how to protect and honour the most vulnerable lives around us.
Please register online at https://forms.gle/X5uawWi7pf9XhSm69
Contact email: knightsofcolumbus15176@gmail.com