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2022 YOSAC Retreat Information Night

已发布 : Apr-01-2022

YOSAC will be hosting their annual youth retreat in person during the Victoria Day long weekend from May 21 to May 23. This year, our theme is “Joy in Love” and we are excited to have Fr. Raphael Ma (Congregation of the Resurrection) joining us at Five Oaks Retreat Centre in Paris, Ontario. All youth grade 8 and above are invited to join us!

Given all that has happened with the pandemic in the past two years, we understand there may be some Covid questions so we will be holding an in-person Retreat Info Night on Friday, April 8 at 8:00 pm in the Church basement Ruggiero Hall (Zoom also available) to provide you with the details of our retreat, and answer any questions you may have. Registration instructions will be made available that day. To register for the Info Night, please sign up here: YOSAC Retreat Information Night.


堂區青年組YOSAC將於5月21日至23日維多利亞日長週末,在安省巴黎小鎮的 Five Oaks 靜修中心舉行青年避靜。今年的主題是「有愛!有喜樂!」,主講神師是復活會會士馬卓賢神父(Fr. Raphael Ma)。 歡迎所有8年級或以上的青年人參加!

從過去兩年多的疫情經驗中,我們有重視防疫措施的必要。因此,我們將於4月8日(星期五)晚上8時,在堂區地庫陸之樂堂舉行青年避靜資訊會 (亦可以Zoom型式參加)為您提供避靜細節及報名詳情,並設有答問環節。如欲登記參加資訊會,請按此:堂區青年避靜資訊會