Votive Candles lit

追思亡者日 All Souls’ Day

已发布 : Oct-27-2023

11月 2日 (星期四) 是追思亡者日。彌撒時間為早上 8 時 (粵)、上午 11 時 (粵) 及晚上 7 時正 (國、粵)。教友若想為已故親友奉獻彌撒,請於祈禱冊填上已故親友名字,並填妥特別奉獻信封,連同獻儀一起投入特設之奉獻箱內。

November 2, Thursday, is All Souls’ Day. Masses will be celebrated at 8:00am (Cantonese) ; 11:00am(Cantonese) and 7:00pm (Cantonese & Mandarin) . Parishioners who wish to offer mass for their deceased family members or friends are requested to fill out the special envelopes and drop them together with the donations into the special box for the purpose. They should also enter the name(s) of the deceased onto the prayer register.