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News 2021-05-12

已发布 : May-12-2021





  • 在貧民窟、出入境地點等之廚房及分派中心之食物。
  • 提供口罩、洗手液及衛生包予高危社群。
  • 為受精神困擾及傷痛人士提供心理輔導及熱線服務。
  • 有關預防感染及接種疫苗之公民教育運動。
  • 支援公共衛生系統,包括經由教會診所及醫院捐贈專門技能、設施及器材。



  • 可以透過 作網上捐款,
  • 又或致電 Development Office (416-934-3411) 認捐均可。
  • 本堂區亦為此收取捐款。支票捐獻,抬頭請以英文填寫 : St. Agnes Tsao Catholic Church – India’s COVID-19 Outbreak – Disaster Relief


Humanitarian Relief – India’s COVID-19 Outbreak

India is reeling from a devastating COVID-19 outbreak. In recent days, the country has been reporting more than 400,000 of new cases and 4,000 deaths every 24 hours. International observers expect that the actual numbers are significantly higher. The medical system, funeral services and other social supports are unable to meet the country’s needs at this time.

The Archdiocese of Toronto will send donations through Development and Peace to Caritas Internationalis, an international confederation of Catholic humanitarian organizations that is already in India helping those who are suffering during this COVID-19 outbreak.

Since the pandemic began, India’s Catholic Church, acting principally through Caritas India, has been supporting some of the most disadvantaged groups, such as those with inadequate housing, migrant labourers, persons with special needs and widows. Relief services and materials provided by the Church, or with its support, include:

  • Food at kitchens and distribution centres in slums, at migration transit points, etc.
  • Masks, sanitizers and hygiene kits to vulnerable communities
  • Psychosocial support and hotline services to traumatized and grieving people
  • Public education campaigns on infection prevention and vaccination
  • Supporting the public healthcare system, including donating expertise, facilities and equipment from Church-run clinics and hospitals

To learn more about Caritas’ work in India, please watch this video:

Those wishing to help may do so in the following ways:

  • Online through the Archdiocese of Toronto website: 
  • By phone through the Development Office – 416-934-3411
  • Through the parish, making cheques payable to: "St. Agnes K.Y. Tsao Catholic Church – India’s COVID-19 Outbreak – Disaster Relief"

Please continue to pray for the people of India and all those who are suffering from COVID-19 worldwide. Thank you for your continued assistance.