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晉鐸晚宴及心意卡 / Sacerdotal Ordination Celebration Dinner & Greeting Cards

已发布 : Apr-05-2024

Fr. Jeremy Zou Celebration

堂區將於 5 月 13 日(星期一)假萬錦廣場金廷宴舉辦祝賀曹靈康神父晉鐸晚宴。餐券每位 $80.00,將於 4 月20 日下午 3 時 30 分開始在大堂發售。另堂區預備了一些心意卡,擺放在大堂海報上。誠意邀請大家把心聲、祝福寫下,於 5 月 10 日前放入旁邊的大信封內,轉送給新神父。

Sacerdotal Ordination Celebration Dinner & Greeting Cards
The Parish will organize a celebration dinner for the newly ordained Fr. Jeremy Zou on Monday, May 13 at the Golden Palace Banquet Hall. Dinner ticket @$80 will be available for sale on April 20 at 3:30 p.m. in the church lobby. The Parish has prepared greeting cards and placed them on the poster board. Please feel free to record your greetings/
messages on a card and put the duly filled cards back into the attached big envelope before May 10. The cards collected will be passed on to the new priest.