Fight against hunger

ShareLife -- 抗飢餓的挑戰 / Fight Against Hunger

已发布 : Nov-10-2023

ShareLife 抗飢餓的挑戰

多倫多總主教方濟各里奥邀請您透過 ShareLife 加入對抗飢餓的挑戰。無數家庭為維持生計而苦苦掙扎。為了滿足他們的迫切需求,推出了糧食安全補助金,承諾投入超過 50 萬加元來對抗飢餓。

透過公佈的捐款等額配對,您誠意的慷慨捐贈讓未來更加光明。 我們邀請您充分利用這個計劃,讓您捐贈的每一元都會加倍。 我們可以一起創造積極改變的連鎖反應,確保我們社區中再沒有人需要抵受饑餓。

請在 2023 年底之前在線捐款或使用 ShareLife 信封去表達你的支持。耶穌說:「當我飢餓時,你給我食物。」 現在是你做出回應的時候。多謝你的慷慨。

相關資訊 :


ShareLife—Fight Against Hunger

Archbishop Francis Leo invites you to join the fight against hunger through ShareLife. Countless families are struggling to put food on the table. In response to their urgent need, ShareLife has launched the Food Security Grants – committing over half a million dollars to combat hunger.

Through the Matching Gift opportunity, which has the power to amplify the impact of your compassion. For a limited time, your year-end gift doubles in value. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change, ensuring no one in our community goes hungry.

Please make your donation online or use a ShareLife envelope to give until the end of 2023. Jesus said: “When I was hungry, you gave me food”. Thank you for your generosity.

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