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感恩與啟航 / Thankfulness and New Voyages

已发布 : Sep-28-2024

Thankfulness and New Voyages

堂區將於星期日 10 月 27 日 (6 時恭候,7 時入席) 假士嘉堡豪門宴舉辦感恩與啟航——餞別羅秀彪神父,恭迎張少麟神父共同晚宴 。餐券每位 80 元正,將於 10 月 5 日下午 3 時 30 分開始在大堂攤位發售。歡迎教友攜同親友參加。

Thankfulness and New Voyages---Farewell to Fr. Thomas and Welcome to Fr. Francis Chong Dinner
To farewell Father Thomas Loh and to welcome Father Francis Chong, a dinner banquet featuring Thankfulness and New Voyages will be held at the Casa Deluz Banquet Hall in Scarborough on Sunday, October 27 at 6pm. Tickets @$80 are available for sale in the church lobby starting October 5 at 3:30pm. Parishioners, their families and friends are welcome.