YOSAC Retreat 2021 banner

YOSAC 青年避靜 / YOSAC Retreat

已发布 : Apr-19-2024

YOSAC Retreat Registration
God is calling high school students and youth to spend the Victoria Day long weekend for strengthening their faith in Him! The annual YOSAC Youth Retreat will take place at The Valley of the Mother of God, from May 18 to 20. This year’s theme is: “There’s a Deeper World”, delivered by Fr. Jeremy Zou. Registration and more information can be found at the YOSAC booth in the foyer after mass on April 20 & 21.

YOSAC 青年避靜
一年一度的青年避靜將於 5 月 18 至 20 日在維多利亞日長週末假期舉行。今年的避靜主題是「There’s a Deeper World」,並邀請到 Fr. Jeremy Zou 為主講。避靜地點為 The Valley of the Mother of God。請告知家中14 歲或以上之青少年有關的訊息。有關詳情及報名,請於 4 月 20 及 21日主日 各台彌撒後到大堂特設攤位查詢。