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Spiritual Corner -- The War Against Evils

已发布 : Jun-07-2024

After God had created Adam and Eve, he blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.” (Gen 1: 28). God gave them dominion over the rest of his creation. He also gave them free will so they could choose how to love and fulfill the tasks given to them by God. Sadly, Adam and Eve used their free will to glorify themselves instead of glorifying God. They chose selfishness and disobedience. Their pride led them to choose evil. They believed the serpent who told them that if they disobeyed God and ate from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil, they themselves would be like God.

As a result, Adam was hiding, embarrassed because he was naked. His experience of sin had left him self-conscious and vulnerable. Then the blame game began. Adam blamed Eve for his sin. She blamed the serpent. This is so typical of sinners. The person who sins is always looking to implicate other people rather than accept his responsibility for the evil deed. Back to the Garden of Eden. As a result of Adam and Eve’s actions, sin and death came into the world. The first battle of the war against evil was won by the devil. But God would achieve the final victory for us. He told the devil that another woman, a new Eve, who would have a Son, would smash the serpent’s head. Enmity, war, would be waged between the serpent’s followers and the woman’s son and His followers.

Jesus chose to use his free will to fulfill the call of His Father. He was sent by the Father into the world, born of a virgin and became man. And by his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered death and sin. He saved us from the slavery of Satan. By his obedience, he opened the gates of paradise and restored us to the promise of eternal life and forgiveness of sin. The second battle of the war against evil was won.

Likewise, as children of God, we also choose to use our free will to listen to the voice of God and follow Jesus, for he is the way, the truth and the life. Together, with faith, hope and love, we will win the war against evil.

Deacon Thomas Kung