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About Us

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Church entrance 1

聖堂地址 Parish Address 
2130 Rodick Road, Markham, Ontario, Canada L6C 1S7 
Tel: (905) 887 - 7922      Fax: (905) 887 - 7933 

辦事處開放時間 / Parish Office Hours

  • 星期一
    • 8:00am 彌撒後聖堂及辦事處休息
  • 星期二 至 星期五
    • 10:00am—6:00pm
  • 星期六
    • 2:30pm—6:30pm
  • 星期日
    • 9:30am—2:00pm

The Office opening hours are as follows:

  • Monday
    • Church closes after the 8:00am Mass
  • Tuesday to Friday
    • 10:00am - 6:00pm
  • Saturday
    • 2:30pm - 6:30pm
  • Sunday
    • 9:30am - 2:00pm 


穿梭巴士服務 / Shuttle Bus Service

SATCC Shuttle Bus map

來往聖堂與 St. Augustine Catholic High School 之穿梭巴士服務。
請教友善用堂區於星期六提前彌撒、主日彌撒、及特別節日提供之穿梭巴士服務 及 使用 St. Augustine Catholic High School 之停車塲。多謝合作!


  • 星期六    -  下午 3 時 至 晚上 7 時
  • 星期日    -  上午 7 時 30 分 至 下午 1 時 30 分

敬請同時留意 以下泊車限制,切勿違例泊車

  • Rodick Road (教堂外的路段) 全日不准泊車。
  • Lazenby Ct. 於星期日上午 8 時至下午 2 時不准車輛於路邊停泊。
  • 教堂停車塲內禁止雙行泊車。

Shuttle bus service between Church and St. Augustine Catholic High School

Please parishioners make good use of the Shuttle Bus Services provided for Saturday Vigil, Sunday Mass and Special Events; and park your vehicles at St. Augustine Catholic High School. Thank you for your cooperation.

Regular Schedule

  • Saturday       3pm - 7pm
  • Sunday     7:30am - 1:30pm

Please be reminded of the following parking restrictions. Please park responsibly.

  • Rodick Road (portion outside our church) is a 24-hour No Parking Zone.
  • Roadside parking along Lazenby Ct. (the side street facing our church) is prohibited on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 
  • Double parking in the church parking lot is prohibited.

新教友登記表格 / New Parishioner Registration


We welcome new parishioners. Please register at the Parish Office.
For change of address, please inform the Parish Office as well.

[ 按此可下載登記表格 / Downland Registration Form here ]

​自動轉帳捐款計劃 / Pre-Authorized Giving Plan

有興趣參加多倫多總教區推行的自動轉帳捐款計劃的教友,請到堂區辦事處查詢詳情及索取申請表格,填妥表格後連同報廢支票 ("VOID" cheque) 交回堂區辦事處。

Parishioners who are interested in enrolling in the Pre-Authorized Giving Plan are requested to visit the parish office for more information and registration.

[ 按此可下載申請表格  /  Download Enrollment Form Here ]

Mass, Devotion & Confession Schedule... [ See Details ]

  • 主日提前彌撒 Saturday Vigil
  • 主日彌撒 Sunday Mass
  • 平日彌撒 Weekday Mass
  • 晚餐廳祈禱會 Cenacle of The Marian Movement of Priests
  • 堂區朝拜聖體日 Parish Adoration Day
  • 首瞻禮六耶穌聖心敬禮 Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • 告解時間 Sacrament of Reconciliation


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