第四主日 – 12 月 22 日
愛和光明 (厄瑪奴耳) -- 我們應效法聖母接受上主的聖言,在生活的崗位上,承行上主的聖意。我們懷著歡欣的心情迎接耶穌的降生, 邀請小耶穌降臨在我們內心,為我們帶來愛和光明。
Fourth Sunday of Advent - December 22
Love and Light (Emmanuel) -- We should follow Our Lady in accepting the words of the Lord and carry out the the Lord's will in our life. We welcome the birth of Jesus with joy and invite the little Jesus to come into our hearts and bring us love and light.
將臨期標誌著禮儀年的開始。是一個希望、準備、期待和慶祝的季節。2024 年,將臨期從 12 月 1 日星期日開始了。 透過祈禱、神修閱讀、愛德工作、參與彌撒聖祭,將臨期幫助我們擴闊生命的意義,使我們人生的目的不再是為自己,而是懷著希望以尋求基督作為目的,從而得到喜樂滿足。 Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year. A season of hope, preparation, expectation &celebration. In 2024, Advent begins on Sunday, December 1. Through prayer, spiritual reading, acts of charity, and participation in Eucharist, Advent helps us toexpand themeaning of our lives, so that we are not ends in ourselves, but a people who seek Christ as our hopeful end andjoyful fulfillment. |
有關將臨期 Advent Resources 有關辦告解 About Confession |
反省 2024 年將臨期主日的福音 與多倫多大主教 (the Most Rev. Frank Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto)一起度過將臨期之旅 Video resources:
將臨期及聖誕堂區活動 / Parish Advent Activities
將臨期 - 愛的傳遞 / Advent - Giving Love
感謝大家的慷慨,讓一些缺乏物資的家庭獲得照顧。你們的愛心行動,為世界增添色彩,讓受惠者感到被愛、被關心。禮物已捐贈到 Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto。主佑。
將臨期粵語避靜 / Advent Retreat (Cantonese)
將臨期國語避靜 / Advent Retreat (Mandarin)
教區告解日 / Diocesan Day of Confession
堂區告解日 / Parish Advent Confession
聖誕福傳音樂晚會 / Christmas Evangelization Night
「全心讚頌」/ Magnificat
聖誕兒童聯歡會 / Children Christmas Party
網頁更新 / Page Update: 2024-12-21