Shepherd's Trust

為「牧者基金」收取奉獻 / Shepherds’ Trust Collection

已發佈 : Nov-03-2024

本堂將於 11 月 16 及 17 日的各台彌撒中為「牧者基金」收取特別奉獻。此基金乃神父的退休基金,請各教友把握這個好機會,向那些長年駐守著天主的聖殿、並不斷關心著我們、為我們服務的神長致上無限的謝意。這些捐獻不僅僅是為支持神父們的退休生活,也是我們感謝得到祝福的實際表示。 請大家踴躍支持,慷慨捐獻!


Shepherds’ Trust

As parishioners, we have reaped the benefits of our priests’ unselfish service to ourselves and our families. They have faithfully served and continue to serve our families, in our churches, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and missions. The Shepherds’ Trust Collection will take place on November 16 & 17. Special donation envelopes will be distributed during the weekend of November 9 & 10. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.