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Spiritual Corner -- On the Road to Emmaus

已發佈 : Apr-12-2024

Have you ever felt how they felt on the road to Emmaus? A feeling of malaise and loss, saying goodbye to Jerusalem!

However, on the road to Emmaus, Jesus yourself came close to the lost souls, awakening my hope in life again with your Word:

“‘O foolish men, and slow of heart to trust and believe in everything that the prophets have spoken. Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter His glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He explained and interpreted for them the things referring to Himself in all the scriptures.” (Luke 24:25-27)

Jesus, your persistence reminds me of how I first learned to write. My little hand was slow and my father, like you, was patient in teaching me repeatedly. When I took French
leave in writing, he was smilingly watching, waiting like you. What he did was for the good of my life, what you do is for the good of my eternal life.

However, I was slow of heart, wasting my time complaining, criticizing others, forgetting your teaching— to live well in the present without criticizing others, and besides, I have no right to judge others. On the road to Emmaus, complaints and anger lead me to faithless and hopeless darkness.

Ceaseless complaints on the road block my eyes until the breaking of bread, and I recognize you, Jesus! Then I remember your crucifixion on the cross, how you sacrificed yourself for us, sinners. You teach me forgiveness with forgiveness, love with love. Then all at once, my eyes open: I see my pride and your humbleness; my egoism and your
sacrifice; my sins and your love. “They got up that very hour and went up to Jerusalem.” (Luke 24:33)

I want to start all over from under your cross, treasuring the present, enjoying and doing my best at everything at this very moment!

Excerpt from the Bible Study Society Website