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  • Pope Francis smiling and waving
    Catholic Bishops Welcome Announcement of Dates and Hub Cities for Papal Visit to Canada
    已發佈: May-13-2022
    Earlier today, the Vatican formally announced that Pope Francis will travel to Canada from July 24-29, 2022. The historic visit, focused on Indigenous healing and reconciliation, will be the fourth papal journey to Canada and the first since Saint...
  • A priest lays on the ground during Holy Orders
    Archdiocese of Toronto to Celebrate the Ordination of Four Priests
    已發佈: May-12-2022
    On Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 10 a.m., His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, will ordain our four transitional deacons, Rev. Mr. Alexander D'Silva, Rev. Mr. Eduardo Lopez,  Rev. Mr. Adam Pantaleo...
  • POSAC - Parenting Talk 2022-06-03
    親子會 活動 Parenting Group Activities
    已發佈: May-11-2022
    本堂親子會有以下兩項活動: 本會邀請心理學博士Dr Helen Chen 主講「當情緒來敲門」講座,協助家長對自己及子女的情緒管理有進一步了解。活動將於 六月三日 (星期五)晚上 8時至 9時30分,以Zoom 形式舉行;粵語/英語講授,分享及討論。報名查詢,請電郵至 ,截止報名日期為五月三十日。我們會於講座前,通知各參加者詳細登入資料。 非常感謝堂區各家庭熱烈支持及參與 「大手小手畫石頭」活動,大家共投放超過 300 件石頭作品!石頭花園將擺放至 五月二十三日,請各位參與教友可於此日前取回自己的作品。
  • Deacon Ordination Mass poster
    晉陞執事彌撒聖祭 The Ordination Mass
    已發佈: May-06-2022
    主徒會的王天偉修士及王新亮修士將於 6月17日 (星期五) 上午 10時於聖曹桂英堂晉陞執事。彌撒聖祭將由多倫多總主教多默哥連斯樞機主禮。教友可於 5月22日至 6月5日到 Eventbrite 網上登記參與彌撒。詳情請瀏覽此專頁。  Br. Matthew Tianwei Wang, CDD and Br. John B. Xinliang Wang, CDD will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on June 17 at 10:00...
  • ECCCLC logo
    加東華人天主教生活營義賣籌款 ECCCLC Bake Sale Fundraising
    已發佈: May-06-2022
    加東華人天主教生活營將於主日 5月15 日 每台彌撒後在聖堂大堂義賣曲奇、蛋糕等小食,為籌得款項支持今年勞動節週末舉行的加東避靜活動。希望大家踴躍支持。 On Sunday, May 15, representatives of the Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp will be holding an outreach/info session and bake sale at the foyer after every mass and accepting donations to...
  • A silhouette of a woman's hand casting a ballot
    Archdiocese of Toronto Hosts an Ontario Election Debate from a Catholic Perspective
    已發佈: May-03-2022
    With the official start of the 2022 Ontario general election campaign upon us, the Archdiocese of Toronto is pleased to announce that we will host another “Election Debate from a Catholic Perspective” on Wednesday, May 18 starting at...
  • YOSAC logo
    Thank you for your support & generosity!
    已發佈: Apr-29-2022
    YOSAC has raised a total of $ 8,700.00 from their Bake Sale and Art Auction fundraiser. Thank you for your support and generosity! YOSAC retreat registration is now full. Please continue to pray for our youth!! YOSAC青年為避靜籌款舉行的義賣曲奇餅及藝術品拍賣共籌得 $8,700...
  • Peace be with you
    Parking restriction reminder
    已發佈: Apr-22-2022
    泊車限制提醒除Rodick Road 全日不准泊車外,Lazenby Ct. 於星期日上午 8 時至下午 2 時也不准車輛於路邊停泊。教堂停車塲亦禁止雙行泊車。請切勿違例泊車, 並善用堂區於主日、星期六提前彌撒及特別節日提供之穿梭巴士服務及St. Augustine Catholic High School 之停車塲。多謝合作! Parking restriction reminderPlease be reminded that other than Rodick Road which is a 24 hour No Parking Zone, parking is...
  • A smiling teacher in a classroom with a group of students raising their hands
    Catholic Education Week – May 1 to 6
    已發佈: Apr-22-2022
    Every year during Catholic Education Week, we are called to celebrate the valuable contributions that Catholic schools make to our parish communities, our province and our country. This year, Catholic Education Week will be celebrated from Sunday, May 1 to...
  • Jesus on the cross
    Holy Week 2022
    已發佈: Apr-08-2022
    On the weekend of April 9/10, Catholics around the world will celebrate Palm Sunday and we will enter into Holy Week, the most profound period in the Christian calendar. This is a time for us to remember the sacrifice...
  • Peace be with you
    Shuttle Bus Service Resumes
    已發佈: Apr-08-2022
    來往聖堂與 St. Augustine Catholic High School 之穿梭巴士服務於 4月 9 日 (星期六) 重開。 定期時間表 星期六    -  下午 3 時 至 晚上 7 時 星期日    -  上午 7 時 30 分 至 下午 1 時 30 分 聖週內...
  • A table with the four directions cloth and smudging materials on top
    Looking Back at the Indigenous Delegation to Rome
    已發佈: Apr-01-2022
    Pope Francis has concluded his meetings with Indigenous delegates in the Vatican to learn more about the legacy of Canada’s residential school system and to apologize for abuses that occurred there. The Holy Father said that listening to...
  • YOSAC logo
    2022 YOSAC Retreat Information Night
    已發佈: Apr-01-2022
    YOSAC will be hosting their annual youth retreat in person during the Victoria Day long weekend from May 21 to May 23. This year, our theme is “Joy in Love” and we are excited to have Fr. Raphael...
  • Peace be with you
    Updated Covid-19 Protocols Reminder
    已發佈: Mar-25-2022
    從4月9、10日聖枝主日開始,教友將不需於網上登記參與彌撒並可以自由入座。屆時堂區將會恢復穿梭巴士服務。教友進入聖堂前照常消毒雙手、量體溫及在聖堂範圍内請戴口罩;領聖體時請按照服務員的指示領受聖體。多謝合作! 從4月23、24日復活節第二主日開始,堂區將取消提供網上彌撒,希望大家回到聖堂參與彌撒。 Starting from Palm Sunday (April 9/10), advance online registration for Mass will no longer be required, parishioners may sit in freely and shuttle bus service will then...
  • Stained glass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
    已發佈: Mar-21-2022
    On Friday, March 25, the Archdiocese of Toronto will answer the call of Pope Francis for dioceses around the world to pray for peace to help bring about an end to the war in Ukraine. During a ceremony of prayer...
  • YOSAC Art Auction Fundraising
    YOSAC Lenten Art Auction Fundraiser
    已發佈: Mar-17-2022
    聖曹桂英堂青年組四旬期藝術品拍賣 聖曹桂英堂青年組將會舉辦四旬期藝術品拍賣,為於五月舉行之青年組避靜籌款。所有藝術品均由青年組成員或其親友按四旬期之主題創作,並於 3月 26日(星期六)至 4月 8日(星期五)聖週前在聖堂大堂展出。同時可在攤位投標,青年組將於拍賣期滿後與投得人士聯絡。 Poster Download - YOSAC Art Auction YOSAC Lenten Art Auction Fundraiser Youth of St. Agnes Church or YOSAC will be running an art auction fundraiser for...
  • YOSAC Bake Sale 2022
    YOSAC Bake Sale Returns!
    已發佈: Mar-17-2022
    聖曹桂英堂青年義賣曲奇餅食 聖曹桂英堂青年組將會義賣曲奇餅等美食為於 5月舉行之青年組避靜籌款。敬請注意:因應健康及安全理由,今年將不會即塲義賣,而於四旬期間由 3月 20日至 31日在網上預訂,並於 4月 17日復活主日領取。可掃描聖堂大堂海報上之二維碼(QR Code),或依從連線指示,又或透過青年組之社交號。 提取預購表格:   Poster Download - YOSAC Bake Sale YOSAC Bake Sale Returns! Youth of St. Agnes Church or...
  • Archdiocesan COA
    Updated Covid-19 Protocols Coming into Effect on Monday, March 21
    已發佈: Mar-16-2022
    The Archdiocese of Toronto has followed the Government of Ontario’s Covid-19 guidance throughout the pandemic. Last week, the provincial government announced the end of public masking requirements in most settings effective Monday, March 21, 2022. The health...
  • Peace be with you
    Welcome Back message from Fr. Loh
    已發佈: Mar-11-2022
    2022 年 3月11日 各位主内的兄弟姐妹, 你可能已知道堂區的所有設施,均可以全面開放。我期望迎接所有教友回來教堂參加彌撒及參與堂區活動。 這些公共衛生指引之轉變乃是我們期待已久的。如果你在疫症期間未能參與彌撒,我鼓勵你在感到合適時回到聖堂。我們已竭力確保你感到安全並受到歡迎。 樞機總主教提醒我們聖體乃是我們在基督內生命之泉源與高峰。主日參與彌撒聖祭乃一週之重點,亦是教友之本份。如可能,當出席參與彌撒聖祭。 明顯地,部份教友對出席參與彌撒,起初可能仍感到疑慮。但你可以放心,我們與公共衛生部門保持同一步伐,目前你仍需佩戴口罩。服務員亦會在場恊助安排座位及回答你的問題。 堂區的彌撒時間如下: 星期六 : 下午 4:30(粵語)及 6:30(國語) 主日:上午 8:15 、10:00 及正午...
  • church candles
    Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief
    已發佈: Mar-10-2022
    本堂於 3 月12及13日彌撒中特別為受戰爭災害的烏克蘭收取特別奉獻。教友請利用特備之信封慷慨捐獻及為災民祈禱。多謝! Our Parish will be collecting donations during masses on March 12 & 13 to assist Ukraine which has been plunged into war after the Russian invasion. Please use the special envelopes for your offerings and...